还在埋头加班写Code? 还在为统一安排的节假日出行而挤破头皮? 还在为工作生活不能平衡而发愁? 跟这一切Say Goodbye吧!!! 加入趋势,您享受无固定时加班制度! 加入趋势,您享受超长带薪假期! 加入趋势,您可以做你自己喜欢做的事情! 无论您是70,80或90,在这里都可以找到属于您的小天地! 动一动鼠标,这一切就是你的啦!
简历投递邮箱:[email protected]
Mobile Threat Engineer
Job Description:
Mobile threat response
Threat analysis expert system implementation
Threat analyze and behavior summary
Mobile threat landscape & attack vectors monitoring & prevention
Mobile platforms (Android/iOS/Blackberry/Windows/Firefox OS…) internal deep research
Mobile platforms & app vulnerability and APT research
Having experience and strong interest in reverse engineering
Should be adaptive and fasting learning for quick changing mobile threat eco system
Being familiar with Assembler/C (C++ or Objective C) / Java, python is plus
Being familiar with virus/exploit mechanism, ARM architecture is plus
Being familiar with OS internal (Android or iOS or Linux or windows ) is plus
Being familiar with data-mining is plus
Senior Exploit Research Engineer
Job Description:
Analyze exploit and toolkit
0 day discovery
Stay on top of the vulnerability landscape and be up-to-date on current or potential exploit attacks
Ability to work as part of a team as well as independently.
3 years or above experience on exploit and toolkit research.
As a consultant, need good industry credit with solid research achievement
Senior Linux Software Engineer
BS or MS degree in Computer Science or related major
At least 5 years’ experience in Linux environment of system-level programming
Solid experience with C/C++ programming
Master at least one scripting language(Python, Perl, Shell, etc)
In-depth knowledge of Internet protocol(HTTP, SMTP, etc) is preferred
Knowledge of Linux kernel is a plus, especially TCP/IP network stack
Good oral and written communication skills with English.
Detail oriented, analytical with excellent problem solving and troubleshooting abilities.
Networking Expert
The candidate will be involved with analyzing, testing, and modeling Trend top customers deployments to increase the reliability of products in complex deployment scenarios.
The successful candidate will utilize her/his experience in customer deployments and network operations to model networks, and to develop, automate, and execute complex system test plans.
The successful candidate will have exposure and interactions with customers, support teams, development teams, and product management teams.
MSEE/CS with 2+ years of relative experience, or BSEE/CS with 5+ years of relative experience.
Detailed understanding of modern networks design, implementation and troubleshooting.
Experience with commercial and non-commercial networking test equipment (e.g. Avalanche, IXIA, SPIRENT) is essential.
Experience in testing, deploying and supporting one or more of the following layer-1 and layer-2 protocols: Ethernet (100Mb to 10GE).
The candidate must be able to demonstrate proficiency in layer 3 networking protocols (e.g., BGP, OSPF, IS-IS, PIM).
Strong knowledge of Perl/Expect or an equivalent language (e.g Tcl/Tk, python), and strong ability to develop, maintain, and monitor automated processes.
Excellent written and verbal communications skills are a must.
Past experience with technical presentations, customer interfacing, and requirements interpretation is highly desirable.
1997年8月,趋势科技在南京成立趋势科技中国研发中心(CDC),目前该中心已成为趋势全球第二大研发中心。 2001年,趋势科技在上海、北京、广州设立分支机构,支持全国的销售及服务。2003年,趋势科技与中国公安部国家计算机病毒应急处理中心共建天津病毒响应中心 (TrendLab China) 。2007年,趋势科技在上海成立中国网络安全监测实验室(CRTL)。趋势科技在中国有1000多家经销商,建立了架构全国、覆盖30多个省市的渠道体系。此外,趋势科技十分重视网络安全的培训,通过认证的趋势科技认证安全专家(TCSE—Trend Micro Certified Security Expert)也已达上千人。
趋势科技专注的领域涵盖:数据中心和云服务,邮件和通讯安全,数据中心安全,网络安全,智能防护云,终端和移动以及风险管理等。趋势科技的网络防恶意软件专利是行业的知识产权典范。趋势科技在全球拥有 15 个恶意软件实验室(TrendLabs),可以涵盖世界各地的威胁。在硅谷、中国、中国台湾、加拿大、 德国、英国和其他 5 个国家/地区,趋势科技建立了 11 个研发中心,构建的网络可持续监控全球威胁和局部地区威胁,遍布全球各地的1,500余名趋势科技安全专家可为各国家和地区的用户提供7×24的全天候响应及技术支持服务。
全球 50 强企业中的 48 家都选用趋势科技的解决方案,其中囊括全球10大汽车公司和10大电信公司。在中国,趋势科技的表现也很抢眼,在中国500强企业中,77%已经使用了趋势科技的解决方案,其中包括70%以上的银行、80%的证劵公司、65%的汽车制造商和50%的保险公司。
15k-25k 应届生/本科
25k-50k 3-5年/本科
20k-50k 1-3年/本科