

- DNS_TXT_Pwnage, Time_Execution and Wait_For_Command can now be stopped remotely. Also, these does not stop autmoatically after running a script/command now. 
- DNS_TXT_Pwnage, Time_Execution and Wait_For_Command can now return results using selected exfiltration method. 
- Fixed a minor bug in DNS_TXT_Pwnage. 
- All payloads which could post data to the internet now have three options pastebin/gmail/tinypaste for exfiltration. 
- Added Get-PassHashes payload. 
- Added Download-Execute-PS payload. 
- The keylogger logs only fresh keys after exfiltring the keys 30 times. 
- A delay after success has been introduced in various payloads which connect to the internet to avoid generating too much traffic.    



Hacking more
