Androrat是一个客户/服务器模式的JAVA Android应用。而Androrat这个名字也很好理解,顾名思义,是Android和RAT (Remote Access Tool)的合体。
获取联系人信息 获取通话信息 获取短信信息 GPS/网络定位 实时监控接收短信息 实时获取手机状态 拍照 响铃 录视频 发短信 打电话 打开浏览器访问URL 手机震动
doc: Will soonly contain all the documentation about the project Experiment: Contain an experimental version of the client articulated around an activity wish allow by the way to stream video src/Androrat: Contain the source code of the client that should be put on the android plateform src/AndroratServer: Contain the sources of the Java/Swing server that can be run on any plateform src/api: Contain all the different api used in the project (JMapViewer for the map, forms for swing, and vlcj for video streaming) src/InOut: Contain the code of the content common for the client and the server which is basically the protocol implementation