Lynis是一款*nix(我在mac os x10.8.3,ubuntu 10.04, Debian 2.6上都测试过,能正常运行)上的开源的系统安全审计功能工具,该工具由一系列的shell脚本构成,可以在移动硬盘上运行(但运行需要root权限)。可以审计如下内容:
1. 系统上安装的二进制文件(例如/bin /sbin /usr/bin /usr/sbin /usr/local/bin /usr/local/sbin目录下的) 2.启动服务(例如GRUB是否有密码保护) 3.系统内核信息(例如默认运行级别,内核加载模块,内核配置文件) 4.内存与进程信息(例如是否有僵尸进程,是否有等待中的I/O操作) 5.账户,群组与身份验证(例如sudoers文件,PAM配置等密码策略,unmask设置等) 6.Shell(/etc/shells) 7.文件系统(例如tmp目录下是否有90天前的文件,root文件系统是否有ACL策略 8.是否禁止外设(usb,fireware) 9.NFS 10.DNS域名服务(/etc/resolv.conf,BIND,PowerDNS, ypbind,nscd) 11.软件包管理(dpkg,rpm) 12.网络信息(网卡,网关,ip,处于waiting状态的连接) 13.打印机(cups) 14.邮件系统(e.g.Postfix,Exim ,Qmail smtpd) 15.防火墙(iptable) 16、web服务器(apache,nignx)安全配置 17.SSH安全配置(例如不运行root远程登录) 18.SNMP安全配置 19.数据库安全配置(MySQL,PostgreSQL,Oracle) 20.LDAP安全配置 21.PHP安全配置 22.Squid安全配置 23.日志文件管理(syslog,logrotate) 24.危险服务 (inetd.conf) 25.系统指纹(/etc/motd /etc/issue /etc/ 26.定时任务(crontab/cronjob) 27.审计模块是否开启(auditd) 28. 时间同步服务(NTP) 29.加密(例如SSL证书有效期) 30.是否应用安全框架(SELinux,AppArmor ,grsecurity) 31.是否有文件系统完整性检测工具(AFICK,AIDE, Osiris,Samhain,Tripwire 32.是否有恶意程序检测工具(chkrootkit,Rootkit Hunter,ClamAV scanner) 33.特定文件的权限是否合理(例如/root/.ssh是否为rwx------) 34.home目录下是否有敏感文件(例如shell history文件内容是否可疑) 35.是否做过内核加固(扫描sysctl内容)
wget tar zxvf lynis-1.3.0.tar.gz cd lynis-1.3.0/
sudo ./lynis --man
sudo ./lynis --check-all -Q
sudo ./lynis -c --auditor "automated" --cronjob > /var/log/lynis/report.txt
grep Warning /var/log/lynis.log
grep Suggestingon /var/log/lynis.log
dani@10:~/lynis-1.3.0$ sudo grep Warning /var/log/lynis.log [sudo] password for dani: [14:40:54] Warning: No password set on GRUB bootloader [test:BOOT-5121] [impact:M] [14:42:33] Warning: Found 8 files in /tmp which are older than 90 days [test:FILE-6354] [impact:L] [14:42:41] Warning: Couldn't find 2 responsive nameservers [test:NETW-2705] [impact:L] [14:42:41] Warning: Found promiscuous interface (peth0) [test:NETW-3015] [impact:H] [14:52:27] Warning: iptables module(s) loaded, but no rules active [test:FIRE-4512] [impact:L] [14:52:49] Warning: Found SSL certificate expiration (/etc/ssl/certs/ca-certificates.crt) [test:CRYP-7902] [impact:M] dani@10:~/lynis-1.3.0$ sudo grep Suggestion /var/log/lynis.log [14:40:54] Suggestion: Run grub-md5-crypt and create a hashed password. Add a line below the line timeout=<value>, add: password --md5 <password hash> [test:BOOT-5121] [14:42:29] Suggestion: When possible set expire dates for all password protected accounts [test:AUTH-9282] [14:42:29] Suggestion: Default umask in /etc/profile could be more strict like 027 [test:AUTH-9328] [14:42:29] Suggestion: Default umask in /etc/login.defs could not be found and defaults usually to 022, which could be more strict like 027 [test:AUTH-9328] [14:42:29] Suggestion: Default umask in /etc/init.d/rc could be more strict like 027 [test:AUTH-9328] [14:42:33] Suggestion: To decrease the impact of a full /tmp file system, place /tmp on a separated partition [test:FILE-6310] [14:42:33] Suggestion: Clean up unused files in /tmp [test:FILE-6354] [14:42:34] Suggestion: The database required for 'locate' could not be found. Run 'updatedb' or 'locate.updatedb' to create this file. [test:FILE-6410] [14:42:34] Suggestion: Disable drivers like USB storage when not used, to prevent unauthorized storage or data theft [test:STRG-1840] [14:42:34] Suggestion: Disable drivers like firewire storage when not used, to prevent unauthorized storage or data theft [test:STRG-1846] [14:42:40] Suggestion: Purge removed packages (2 found) with aptitude purge command, to cleanup old configuration files, cron jobs and startup scripts. [test:PKGS-7346] [14:42:41] Suggestion: Check your resolv.conf file and fill in a backup nameserver if possible [test:NETW-2705] [14:52:27] Suggestion: Disable iptables kernel module if not used or make sure rules are being used [test:FIRE-4512] [14:52:27] Suggestion: Configure a firewall/packet filter to filter incoming and outgoing traffic [test:FIRE-4590] [14:52:42] Suggestion: Add legal banner to /etc/issue, to warn unauthorized users [test:BANN-7126] [14:52:42] Suggestion: Add legal banner to /etc/, to warn unauthorized users [test:BANN-7130] [14:52:48] Suggestion: Enable auditd to collect audit information [test:ACCT-9628] [14:52:51] Suggestion: Renew SSL expired certificates. [test:CRYP-7902] [14:52:53] Suggestion: Install a file integrity tool [test:FINT-4350] [14:53:03] Suggestion: One or more sysctl values differ from the scan profile and could be tweaked [test:KRNL-6000] [14:53:03] Suggestion: Harden the system by removing unneeded compilers. This can decrease the chance of customized trojans, backdoors and rootkits to be compiled and installed [test:HRDN-7220] [14:53:03] Suggestion: Harden compilers and restrict access to world [test:HRDN-7222] [14:53:03] Suggestion: Harden the system by installing one or malware scanners to perform periodic
(5)LDAP服务器:OpenLDAP(ldap 389)
(6)DNS服务器,BIND (dns 53)
(7)电子邮件服务器,SendMail(Postfix):SMTP (smtp 25)
(8)FTP服务器:VSFTPD,Server-U (ftp 21 tftp 69)
(9)Samba服务器:smb协议 (smb445)
(10)NFS服务器(nfs 2049)
(12)SSH服务器:OpenSSH (ssh 22 telnet23)
(14)VPN服务:OpenVPN (ipsec 500, PPTP 1723, L2TP 1701)
(17)网络监控策略:snmp服务 (snmp 161)
(25)远程桌面VNC (VNC 5900)
(26)NTP(network time protocol) 123