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Perform ThreatModeling, Security Architecture Reviews or Architecture Analysis on various applications. Work closely with Solutions Architects to identify design defects and ensure that Application Execute application security penetration tests and vulnerability scans against high risk applications. Work with development teams to impart necessary guidance to remediate defects. Perform research as necessary on reported issues and emerging risks to identify best-practice solutions
Major in Computer Science or Electronic & Information Science Excellent analytical and problem solving skills Strong technical skills in assessing and finding vulnerabilities in application architectures and common software platforms Hands-on experience with common testing tools like Burp Suite, WebInspect, Jtest, etc Related application development background Great team work, self-driven and highly-motivated, willing to take ownership and make commitment Great communication and interpersonal skills.
15k-25k 应届生/本科
25k-50k 3-5年/本科
20k-50k 1-3年/本科