作者:Ricter Z
前几天我分析了 Drupal 8.5.0 的 PoC 构造方法,但是 Drupal 7 还是仍未构造出 PoC。今天看到了 Drupalgeddon2 支持了 Drupal 7 的 Exploit,稍微分析了下,发现 PoC 构建的十分精妙,用到了诸多 Drupal 本身特性,我构造不出果然还是太菜。
首先,Drupal 7 和 Drupal 8 这两个 PoC 本质上是同一原因触发的,我说的同一个原因并不是像是 #pre_render
的 callback 这样,而是都是由于 form_parent
导致 Drupal 遍历到用户控制的 #value
,接着进行 render 的时候导致 RCE。Drupal 8 中的 element_parents
十分明显,且从 $_GET
中直接获取,所以很容易的能分析出来,而 Drupal 7 中的 form_parent
那么,这个 PoC 用到了 Drupal 中的哪些特性呢?
Drupal 的 router 传参
Drupal 的 form cache
那么,先从 router 讲起。
当访问 file/ajax/name/#default_value/form-xxxx
的时候,在 menu.inc
中,Drupal 是这样处理的:
function menu_get_item($path = NULL, $router_item = NULL) { $router_items = &drupal_static(__FUNCTION__); if (!isset($path)) { $path = $_GET['q']; } var_dump($router_items); if (isset($router_item)) { $router_items[$path] = $router_item; } if (!isset($router_items[$path])) { // Rebuild if we know it's needed, or if the menu masks are missing which // occurs rarely, likely due to a race condition of multiple rebuilds. if (variable_get('menu_rebuild_needed', FALSE) || !variable_get('menu_masks', array())) { if (_menu_check_rebuild()) { menu_rebuild(); } } $original_map = arg(NULL, $path); $parts = array_slice($original_map, 0, MENU_MAX_PARTS); $ancestors = menu_get_ancestors($parts); $router_item = db_query_range('SELECT * FROM {menu_router} WHERE path IN (:ancestors) ORDER BY fit DESC', 0, 1, array(':ancestors' => $ancestors))->fetchAssoc(); if ($router_item) { // Allow modules to alter the router item before it is translated and // checked for access. drupal_alter('menu_get_item', $router_item, $path, $original_map); $map = _menu_translate($router_item, $original_map); $router_item['original_map'] = $original_map; if ($map === FALSE) { $router_items[$path] = FALSE; return FALSE; }
取出 path;组合的结果大概是这样:
0 = file/ajax/name/#default_value/form-xxxx 1 = file/ajax/name/#default_value/% 2 = file/ajax/name/%/form-xxxxx 3 = file/ajax/name/%/% 4 = file/ajax/%/%/% 5 = file/%/name/%/form-xxxxx .... 12 = file/%/name 13 = file/ajax 14 = file/% 15 = file
这些是什么呢?实际上这些是 Drupal 的 router,在数据库的 menu_router 表里。这么一串 array 最终和数据库中的 file/ajax
相匹配。Drupal 会根据数据库中的 page_callback
进行回调,也就是回调到 file_ajax_upload
可以注意到回调的参数为我们 $_GET["q"]
剩下的 name/#default_value/form-xxxx
function file_ajax_upload() { $form_parents = func_get_args(); $form_build_id = (string) array_pop($form_parents); if (empty($_POST['form_build_id']) || $form_build_id != $_POST['form_build_id']) { ... } list($form, $form_state, $form_id, $form_build_id, $commands) = ajax_get_form(); if (!$form) { ... } // Get the current element and count the number of files. $current_element = $form; foreach ($form_parents as $parent) { $current_element = $current_element[$parent]; } $current_file_count = isset($current_element['#file_upload_delta']) ? $current_element['#file_upload_delta'] : 0; // Process user input. $form and $form_state are modified in the process. drupal_process_form($form['#form_id'], $form, $form_state); // Retrieve the element to be rendered. foreach ($form_parents as $parent) { $form = $form[$parent]; } // Add the special Ajax class if a new file was added. if (isset($form['#file_upload_delta']) && $current_file_count < $form['#file_upload_delta']) { $form[$current_file_count]['#attributes']['class'][] = 'ajax-new-content'; } // Otherwise just add the new content class on a placeholder. else { $form['#suffix'] .= '<span class="ajax-new-content"></span>'; } $form['#prefix'] .= theme('status_messages'); $output = drupal_render($form);
,验证这个值和 $_POST["form_build_id"]
获取被缓存的 $form
;foreach ($form_parents as $parent)
这个循环即和 Drupal 8 中的 NestedArray::getValue
异曲同工,将 $form
中的值按照 name/#default_value
进行渲染,这是漏洞的最终触发点,不做详细分析。这是一个获取到最终 $form 的现场:
现在的问题是怎么得到一个被缓存的 $form
。首先我们 POST 一个找回密码的请求包,内容如下:
通过分析代码,可以得知,若想 $form
被 cache,需要满足以下几个条件:
if (($form_state['rebuild'] || !$form_state['executed']) && !form_get_errors()) { // Form building functions (e.g., _form_builder_handle_input_element()) // may use $form_state['rebuild'] to determine if they are running in the // context of a rebuild, so ensure it is set. $form_state['rebuild'] = TRUE; $form = drupal_rebuild_form($form_id, $form_state, $form); }
function drupal_rebuild_form($form_id, &$form_state, $old_form = NULL) { $form = drupal_retrieve_form($form_id, $form_state); .... if (empty($form_state['no_cache'])) { form_set_cache($form['#build_id'], $form, $form_state); }
在诸多条件中,($form_state['rebuild'] || !$form_state['executed'])
是默认就被满足的,唯一的问题是 form_get_errors()
会出现问题。由于我们 POST 的 name 需要注入 payload,那么必然会验证失败。
function form_set_error($name = NULL, $message = '', $limit_validation_errors = NULL) { $form = &drupal_static(__FUNCTION__, array()); $sections = &drupal_static(__FUNCTION__ . ':limit_validation_errors'); if (isset($limit_validation_errors)) { $sections = $limit_validation_errors; } if (isset($name) && !isset($form[$name])) { $record = TRUE; if (isset($sections)) { // #limit_validation_errors is an array of "sections" within which user // input must be valid. If the element is within one of these sections, // the error must be recorded. Otherwise, it can be suppressed. // #limit_validation_errors can be an empty array, in which case all // errors are suppressed. For example, a "Previous" button might want its // submit action to be triggered even if none of the submitted values are // valid. $record = FALSE; foreach ($sections as $section) { // Exploding by '][' reconstructs the element's #parents. If the // reconstructed #parents begin with the same keys as the specified // section, then the element's values are within the part of // $form_state['values'] that the clicked button requires to be valid, // so errors for this element must be recorded. As the exploded array // will all be strings, we need to cast every value of the section // array to string. if (array_slice(explode('][', $name), 0, count($section)) === array_map('strval', $section)) { $record = TRUE; break; } } } if ($record) { $form[$name] = $message; if ($message) { drupal_set_message($message, 'error'); } } } return $form; }
注意到这个 $record
变量。当 $sections
也就是通过 isset
函数检测时(也就是不为 null),$record
就会设置为 FALSE,也就不会进行错误的记录。通过查阅 form.inc
的代码,我注意到第 1412 行有如下代码:
if (isset($form_state['triggering_element']['#limit_validation_errors']) && ($form_state['triggering_element']['#limit_validation_errors'] !== FALSE) && !($form_state['submitted'] && !isset($form_state['triggering_element']['#submit']))) { form_set_error(NULL, '', $form_state['triggering_element']['#limit_validation_errors']); } // If submit handlers won't run (due to the submission having been triggered // by an element whose #executes_submit_callback property isn't TRUE), then // it's safe to suppress all validation errors, and we do so by default, // which is particularly useful during an Ajax submission triggered by a // non-button. An element can override this default by setting the // #limit_validation_errors property. For button element types, // #limit_validation_errors defaults to FALSE (via system_element_info()), // so that full validation is their default behavior. elseif (isset($form_state['triggering_element']) && !isset($form_state['triggering_element']['#limit_validation_errors']) && !$form_state['submitted']) { form_set_error(NULL, '', array()); } // As an extra security measure, explicitly turn off error suppression if // one of the above conditions wasn't met. Since this is also done at the // end of this function, doing it here is only to handle the rare edge case // where a validate handler invokes form processing of another form. else { //form_set_error(NULL, '', array()); // set _triggering_element_name drupal_static_reset('form_set_error:limit_validation_errors'); }
当我们普通的 POST 的时候,会进入普通的最后的 else 分支,但是如果满足:
(isset($form_state['triggering_element']) && !isset($form_state['triggering_element']['#limit_validation_errors']) && !$form_state['submitted']
form_set_error(NULL, '', array());
就是 Array,可以通过 isset
,默认为 submit 按钮,true!isset($form_state['triggering_element']['#limit_validation_errors'])
,默认为 false看起来形式严峻。首先我在将所有 $form_state['submitted']
设置为 TRUE 的地方设置了断点,单步调试后发现断在了这个位置:
// 如果没设置 triggering_element,那么将 triggering_element 设置为 form 的第一个 button if (!$form_state['programmed'] && !isset($form_state['triggering_element']) && !empty($form_state['buttons'])) { $form_state['triggering_element'] = $form_state['buttons'][0]; } // If the triggering element specifies "button-level" validation and submit // handlers to run instead of the default form-level ones, then add those to // the form state. foreach (array('validate', 'submit') as $type) { if (isset($form_state['triggering_element']['#' . $type])) { $form_state[$type . '_handlers'] = $form_state['triggering_element']['#' . $type]; } } // If the triggering element executes submit handlers, then set the form // state key that's needed for those handlers to run. if (!empty($form_state['triggering_element']['#executes_submit_callback'])) { ################################################# $form_state['submitted'] = TRUE; // <--- こ↑こ↓ ################################################# }
又是 triggering_element,这到底是什么东西?看代码写的,如果没设置 triggering_element,那么将 triggering_element 设置为 form 的第一个 button。我搜索了设置 $form_state['triggering_element']
// Determine which element (if any) triggered the submission of the form and // keep track of all the clickable buttons in the form for // form_state_values_clean(). Enforce the same input processing restrictions // as above. if ($process_input) { // Detect if the element triggered the submission via Ajax. if (_form_element_triggered_scripted_submission($element, $form_state)) { $form_state['triggering_element'] = $element; } // If the form was submitted by the browser rather than via Ajax, then it // can only have been triggered by a button, and we need to determine which // button within the constraints of how browsers provide this information. if (isset($element['#button_type'])) { // All buttons in the form need to be tracked for // form_state_values_clean() and for the form_builder() code that handles // a form submission containing no button information in $_POST. $form_state['buttons'][] = $element; if (_form_button_was_clicked($element, $form_state)) { $form_state['triggering_element'] = $element; } } }
/** * Detects if an element triggered the form submission via Ajax. * * This detects button or non-button controls that trigger a form submission via * Ajax or some other scriptable environment. These environments can set the * special input key '_triggering_element_name' to identify the triggering * element. If the name alone doesn't identify the element uniquely, the input * key '_triggering_element_value' may also be set to require a match on element * value. An example where this is needed is if there are several buttons all * named 'op', and only differing in their value. */ function _form_element_triggered_scripted_submission($element, &$form_state) { if (!empty($form_state['input']['_triggering_element_name']) && $element['#name'] == $form_state['input']['_triggering_element_name']) { if (empty($form_state['input']['_triggering_element_value']) || $form_state['input']['_triggering_element_value'] == $element['#value']) { return TRUE; } } return FALSE; }
这段代码的意思是,如果用户输入的 _triggering_element_value
和 $element['#name']
相等,那么就万事大吉了。那么,我将 POST 的 _triggering_element_name
设置成 name,在此处下一个断点,获取到的现场如下:
果然变成了 name 元素。继续单步:
form_set_error(NULL, '', array());
现在我们可以得到一个被缓存的 $form
,但是,这个被缓存的 $form
并没有注入我们想要的数组,所以也就不能通过 0x02
所述的漏洞触发点进行触发。现在的问题是,如何将我们的 payload 注入到 $form
单步跟入到 user_pass
function user_pass() { global $user; $form['name'] = array( '#type' => 'textfield', '#title' => t('Username or e-mail address'), '#size' => 60, '#maxlength' => max(USERNAME_MAX_LENGTH, EMAIL_MAX_LENGTH), '#required' => TRUE, '#default_value' => isset($_GET['name']) ? $_GET['name'] : '', ); // Allow logged in users to request this also. if ($user->uid > 0) { $form['name']['#type'] = 'value'; $form['name']['#value'] = $user->mail; $form['mail'] = array( '#prefix' => '<p>', // As of https://www.drupal.org/node/889772 the user no longer must log // out (if they are still logged in when using the password reset link, // they will be logged out automatically then), but this text is kept as // is to avoid breaking translations as well as to encourage the user to // log out manually at a time of their own choosing (when it will not // interrupt anything else they may have been in the middle of doing). '#markup' => t('Password reset instructions will be mailed to %email. You must log out to use the password reset link in the e-mail.', array('%email' => $user->mail)), '#suffix' => '</p>', ); } $form['actions'] = array('#type' => 'actions'); $form['actions']['submit'] = array('#type' => 'submit', '#value' => t('E-mail new password')); return $form; }
是直接从 $_GET['name']
获取的,而这个注入的 $form
又是直接储存在缓存内的,那么我们将 POST 的 name 转移到 GET 中,再观察数据库中缓存的数组:
我们成功的将 payload 注入到 #default_value
里,那么,再利用 0x02
最终 payload 分为两个请求。 请求 1,将 Payload 注入缓存中:
获取到 form_build_id
,再进行请求 2,执行 payload: