作者: riusksk@tsrc
时间: 2016-12-18
2016年12月的Apple安全公告中(macOS公告与iOS公告),修复4个由腾讯安全平台部终端安全团队报告的漏洞,其中有2个是字体解析造成的越界访问漏洞,影响 macOS/iOS/watchOS/tvOS等多个平台系统,本文主要分析其中的 CVE-2016-7595 字体漏洞【图1】。
这个漏洞在报给Apple 17天后发布 macOS 10.2.2 测试版补丁,一个半月后发布安全公告和补丁(包括iOS、watchOS和tvOS),难得看见苹果这么积极一次。
此次漏洞是通过Fuzzing发现的,直接对比poc与原始文件的数据,可以发现其实就1个字节的差异(0x00 => 0x6C)【图2】:
╭─riusksk@MacBook ~/Downloads ‹› ╰─➤$ ttx poc.ttf Dumping "poc.ttf" to "poc#1.ttx"... Dumping 'GlyphOrder' table... Dumping 'head' table... Dumping 'hhea' table... Dumping 'maxp' table... Dumping 'OS/2' table... Dumping 'hmtx' table... Dumping 'cmap' table... Dumping 'fpgm' table... Dumping 'prep' table... Dumping 'cvt ' table... Dumping 'loca' table... Dumping 'glyf' table... Dumping 'name' table... Dumping 'post' table... Dumping 'gasp' table... /usr/local/lib/python2.7/site- packages/FontTools/fontTools/ttLib/tables/otTables.py:60: UserWarning: Coverage table has start glyph ID out of range: glyph27713. warnings.warn("Coverage table has start glyph ID out of range: %s." % start) An exception occurred during the decompilation of the 'GPOS' table Dumping 'GPOS' table... Dumping 'GSUB' table... Dumping 'DSIG' table...
从上面的提示可以看出,是在解析 GPOS
表时,通过 glyphID
去 Coverage 表索引时导致越界了,其中 glyph27713
的数值正是 0x6C41 27713
,也就是上面图1中文件对比 的差异值。虽然这是FontTools工具的错误,不代表Apple系统本身,但它跟Apple系统 导致崩溃的是同一字节,从这可以直接得到导致崩溃的关键字节是glyphID值。
TrueType/OpenType字体格式中的GPOS表是用于为字体中文本布局及渲染提供glyph位 置信息的表,表中各个字体结构如图3所示
GPOS表主要包含3个子表:ScriptList、FeatureList和LookupList,本次漏洞主要问题在 LookupList子表中的PairAdjustmentPositioning中,PairAdjustmentPositioning子表 (PairPos)被用于调整两个glyphs彼此之间的位置。
PairPos表下又包含多个PairSet数组,PairSet数组包含Coverage表中每个glyph对应的偏 移量,并按Coverage Index来排序。
PairSet下包含PairValueRecord指定每一glyph配对(pair)中的第二个 glyph(SecondGlyph)的glyph名和索引值GlyphID(对应【图3】中glyphRefID),同 时包含两个ValueRecord值去指定第一个glyph和第二个glyph的位置信息。
导致越界的漏洞正是用于索引的GlyphID(glyphRefID),用ttx解析原有正常字体文件 生成的xml文件,如图4所示,index="65"就是正常GlyphID值 00 41,如果随便给第1字 节设置个值都会导致崩溃。
(lisa)run poc.ttf Process 96714 launched Process 96714 stopped * thread #1: tid = 0x3f119d, 0x00007fffa7c01491 CoreText`OTL::GPOS::App lyPairPos(OTL::LookupSubtable const*, TGlyphIterator&, OTL::Coverage co nst&) const + 411, queue = 'com.apple.main-thread', stop reason = EXC_B AD_ACCESS (code=1, address=0x3007ddfae) frame #0: 0x00007fffa7c01491 CoreText`OTL::GPOS::ApplyPairPos(OTL::Lo okupSubtable const*, TGlyphIterator&, OTL::Coverage const&) const + 411 CoreText`OTL::GPOS::ApplyPairPos: -> 0x7fffa7c01491 <+411>: mov ax, word ptr [r14 + 2*rax + 0xa] 0x7fffa7c01497 <+417>: rol ax, 0x8 0x7fffa7c0149b <+421>: movzx eax, ax 0x7fffa7c0149e <+424>: lea rsi, [r14 + rax] (lisa)register read rax rax = 0x00000000ffffffff (lisa)x $r14+2*$rax+0xa error: memory read failed for 0x3007c5600 (lisa)bt * thread #1: tid = 0x3f119d, 0x00007fffa7c01491 CoreText`OTL::GPOS::App lyPairPos(OTL::LookupSubtable const*, TGlyphIterator&, OTL::Coverage co nst&) const + 411, queue = 'com.apple.main-thread', stop reason = EXC_B AD_ACCESS (code=1, address=0x3007ddfae) * frame #0: 0x00007fffa7c01491 CoreText`OTL::GPOS::ApplyPairPos(OTL::Lo okupSubtable const*, TGlyphIterator&, OTL::Coverage const&) const + 411 frame #1: 0x00007fffa7c05907 CoreText`OTL::GPOS::ApplyLookupSubtable( OTL::Lookup const&, unsigned int, OTL::LookupSubtable const*, TGlyphIte rator&, OTL::Coverage const&) const + 85 frame #2: 0x00007fffa7c02c7b CoreText`OTL::GPOS::ApplyLookupAt(OTL::L ookup const&, TGlyphIterator&) const + 339 frame #3: 0x00007fffa7b68ff4 CoreText`OTL::GPOS::ApplyLookups(TRunGlu e&, int, OTL::GlyphLookups&) const + 448 frame #4: 0x00007fffa7b68897 CoreText`TOpenTypePositioningEngine::Pos itionRuns(SyncState&, KerningStatus&) + 839 frame #5: 0x00007fffa7b66d05 CoreText`TKerningEngine::PositionGlyphs( TLine&, TCharStream const*) + 347 frame #6: 0x00007fffa7bbe59d CoreText`TTypesetter::FinishLayout(std:: __1::tuple<TLine const*, TCharStream const*, void const* (*)(__CTRun co nst*, __CFString const*, void*), void*, std::__1::shared_ptr<TBidiLevel sProvider>*, unsigned int, unsigned char> const&, TLine&, SyncState) + 35 frame #7: 0x00007fffa7b5586d CoreText`TTypesetterAttrString::Initiali ze(__CFAttributedString const*) + 865 frame #8: 0x00007fffa7b552ea CoreText`CTLineCreateWithAttributedStrin g + 59 frame #9: 0x00007fffb8be086e UIFoundation`__NSStringDrawingEngine + 1 0669 frame #10: 0x00007fffb8be69ca UIFoundation`-[NSAttributedString(NSExt endedStringDrawing) boundingRectWithSize:options:context:] + 605 frame #11: 0x00007fffb8bdcc43 UIFoundation`-[NSAttributedString(NSStr ingDrawing) size] + 59 frame #12: 0x0000000100047d70 Font Book`___lldb_unnamed_symbol1053$$F ont Book + 368 frame #13: 0x00000001000476e9 Font Book`___lldb_unnamed_symbol1052$$F ont Book + 89 frame #14: 0x00000001000475b0 Font Book`___lldb_unnamed_symbol1049$$F ont Book + 774 frame #15: 0x000000010006a2d2 Font Book`___lldb_unnamed_symbol1860$$F ont Book + 110 frame #16: 0x000000010005d4ee Font Book`___lldb_unnamed_symbol1545$$F ont Book + 2651 frame #17: 0x00007fffa46b2451 AppKit`-[NSApplication _doOpenFile:ok:t ryTemp:] + 253 frame #18: 0x00007fffa427f789 AppKit`-[NSApplication finishLaunching] + 1624 frame #19: 0x00007fffa427ed2a AppKit`-[NSApplication run] + 267 frame #20: 0x00007fffa4249a8a AppKit`NSApplicationMain + 1237 frame #21: 0x0000000100001527 Font Book`___lldb_unnamed_symbol1$$Font Book + 11 frame #22: 0x00007fffbb632255 libdyld.dylib`start + 1 frame #23: 0x00007fffbb632255 libdyld.dylib`start + 1
[r14 + 2*rax + 0xa]
通过设置条件断点去记录获取的GlyphID以及后面的将其传参给 OTL::Coverage::SearchFmt2Binary函数后返回值,可以发现最后当GlyphID=0x55(85)时 返回值0,最后触发崩溃,所以样本中的GlyphID只要>=0x55都会导致崩溃。
(lisa) p "GlyphID" $eax (unsigned int) $95 = 85 (lisa) c Process 25648 resuming Command #2 'c' continued the target. (lisa) p "SearchFmt2Binary 2" $esi (unsigned int) $96 = 85 (lisa) c Process 25648 resuming Command #2 'c' continued the target. (lisa) p " " $eax (unsigned int) $97 = 0 (lisa) c Process 25648 resuming Command #2 'c' continued the target. Process 25648 stopped * thread #1: tid = 0x43fc6, 0x00007fffcb443491 CoreText`OTL::GPOS::Appl yPairPos(OTL::LookupSubtable const*, TGlyphIterator&, OTL::Coverage con st&) const + 411, queue = 'com.apple.main-thread', stop reason = EXC_BA D_ACCESS (code=1, address=0x3007bc6fe) frame #0: 0x00007fffcb443491 CoreText`OTL::GPOS::ApplyPairPos(OTL:: LookupSubtable const*, TGlyphIterator&, OTL::Coverage const&) const + 4 11 CoreText`OTL::GPOS::ApplyPairPos: -> 0x7fffcb443491 <+411>: mov ax, word ptr [r14 + 2*rax + 0xa] 0x7fffcb443497 <+417>: rol ax, 0x8 0x7fffcb44349b <+421>: movzx eax, ax 0x7fffcb44349e <+424>: lea rsi, [r14 + rax]
dec eax ; eax=0xFFFFFFFF mov ax, [r14+rax*2+0Ah] ;
苹果已经发布安全补丁,macOS用户可升级到10.12.2,iOS用户可升级到10.2。 对补丁进行比对,可以发现在漏洞函数OTL::GPOS::ApplyPairPos 中添加了判断,获取 到的GlyphID值传递给OTL::Coverage::SearchFmt2Binary函数,当查找失败时会返回0, 因此只要添加判断返回值是否为0,为0则直接跳走返回。