
Top 10 base words
link = 1808 (0.13%)
alex = 1215 (0.09%)
mike = 1146 (0.08%)
june = 1065 (0.08%)
july = 891 (0.07%)
john = 882 (0.07%)
chris = 766 (0.06%)
love = 749 (0.06%)
april = 725 (0.05%)
mark = 669 (0.05%)

Password length (length ordered)
6 = 281193 (20.75%)
7 = 211946 (15.64%)
8 = 444338 (32.79%)
9 = 203826 (15.04%)
10 = 121783 (8.99%)
11 = 51138 (3.77%)
12 = 24377 (1.8%)
13 = 9237 (0.68%)
14 = 4237 (0.31%)
15 = 1688 (0.12%)
16 = 1112 (0.08%)
17 = 37 (0.0%)
18 = 22 (0.0%)
19 = 7 (0.0%)
20 = 8 (0.0%)
21 = 3 (0.0%)
22 = 4 (0.0%)
23 = 4 (0.0%)
24 = 2 (0.0%)
27 = 2 (0.0%)
34 = 2 (0.0%)
40 = 2 (0.0%)

Password length (count ordered)
8 = 444338 (32.79%)
6 = 281193 (20.75%)
7 = 211946 (15.64%)
9 = 203826 (15.04%)
10 = 121783 (8.99%)
11 = 51138 (3.77%)
12 = 24377 (1.8%)
13 = 9237 (0.68%)
14 = 4237 (0.31%)
15 = 1688 (0.12%)
16 = 1112 (0.08%)
17 = 37 (0.0%)
18 = 22 (0.0%)
20 = 8 (0.0%)
19 = 7 (0.0%)
23 = 4 (0.0%)
22 = 4 (0.0%)
21 = 3 (0.0%)
34 = 2 (0.0%)
24 = 2 (0.0%)
27 = 2 (0.0%)
40 = 2 (0.0%)

一到六个字符= 281192(20.75%)
一到八个字符= 937474(69.19%)
超过八个字符= 417472(30.81%)

只有小写字母= 411302(30.36%)
只有大写字母= 9809(0.72%)
只有a= 421111(31.08%)
只有数字= 122094(9.01%)

First capital last symbol = 6117 (0.45%)
First capital last number = 116504 (8.6%)

january = 243 (0.02%)
february = 101 (0.01%)
march = 539 (0.04%)
april = 973 (0.07%)
may = 3321 (0.25%)
june = 1390 (0.1%)
july = 986 (0.07%)
august = 500 (0.04%)
september = 142 (0.01%)
october = 249 (0.02%)
november = 204 (0.02%)
december = 208 (0.02%)

monday = 239 (0.02%)
tuesday = 54 (0.0%)
wednesday = 15 (0.0%)
thursday = 41 (0.0%)
friday = 217 (0.02%)
saturday = 23 (0.0%)
sunday = 109 (0.01%)

Months (Abreviated)
jan = 4400 (0.32%)
feb = 719 (0.05%)
mar = 23123 (1.71%)
apr = 1680 (0.12%)
may = 3321 (0.25%)
jun = 2862 (0.21%)
jul = 3955 (0.29%)
aug = 1391 (0.1%)
sept = 469 (0.03%)
oct = 993 (0.07%)
nov = 1539 (0.11%)
dec = 1112 (0.08%)

Days (Abreviated)
mon = 11372 (0.84%)
tues = 62 (0.0%)
wed = 439 (0.03%)
thurs = 82 (0.01%)
fri = 2268 (0.17%)
sat = 1226 (0.09%)
sun = 4036 (0.3%)

Includes years
1975 = 1528 (0.11%)
1976 = 1544 (0.11%)
1977 = 1580 (0.12%)
1978 = 1688 (0.12%)
1979 = 1656 (0.12%)
1980 = 2016 (0.15%)
1981 = 1767 (0.13%)
1982 = 1771 (0.13%)
1983 = 1560 (0.12%)
1984 = 1626 (0.12%)
1985 = 1324 (0.1%)
1986 = 1019 (0.08%)
1987 = 882 (0.07%)
1988 = 721 (0.05%)
1989 = 663 (0.05%)
1990 = 639 (0.05%)
1991 = 588 (0.04%)
1992 = 521 (0.04%)
1993 = 581 (0.04%)
1994 = 632 (0.05%)
1995 = 729 (0.05%)
1996 = 769 (0.06%)
1997 = 803 (0.06%)
1998 = 929 (0.07%)
1999 = 1170 (0.09%)
2000 = 4232 (0.31%)
2001 = 2211 (0.16%)
2002 = 2153 (0.16%)
2003 = 2035 (0.15%)
2004 = 2316 (0.17%)
2005 = 2627 (0.19%)
2006 = 2823 (0.21%)
2007 = 3165 (0.23%)
2008 = 4539 (0.33%)
2009 = 2597 (0.19%)
2010 = 3372 (0.25%)
2011 = 1275 (0.09%)
2012 = 621 (0.05%)
2013 = 113 (0.01%)
2014 = 93 (0.01%)
2015 = 97 (0.01%)
2016 = 88 (0.01%)
2017 = 87 (0.01%)
2018 = 110 (0.01%)
2019 = 278 (0.02%)
2020 = 422 (0.03%)

Years (Top 10)
2008 = 4539 (0.33%)
2000 = 4232 (0.31%)
2010 = 3372 (0.25%)
2007 = 3165 (0.23%)
2006 = 2823 (0.21%)
2005 = 2627 (0.19%)
2009 = 2597 (0.19%)
2004 = 2316 (0.17%)
2001 = 2211 (0.16%)
2002 = 2153 (0.16%)

Single digit on the end = 154193 (11.38%)
Two digits on the end = 290697 (21.45%)
Three digits on the end = 88177 (6.51%)

Last number
0 = 73928 (5.46%)
1 = 165758 (12.23%)
2 = 82382 (6.08%)
3 = 95455 (7.04%)
4 = 61897 (4.57%)
5 = 60411 (4.46%)
6 = 54534 (4.02%)
7 = 65528 (4.84%)
8 = 59336 (4.38%)
9 = 62124 (4.58%)

Last digit
1 = 165758 (12.23%)
3 = 95455 (7.04%)
2 = 82382 (6.08%)
0 = 73928 (5.46%)
7 = 65528 (4.84%)
9 = 62124 (4.58%)
4 = 61897 (4.57%)
5 = 60411 (4.46%)
8 = 59336 (4.38%)
6 = 54534 (4.02%)

Last 2 digits (Top 10)
23 = 36967 (2.73%)
01 = 26401 (1.95%)
11 = 22316 (1.65%)
12 = 20791 (1.53%)
00 = 19736 (1.46%)
10 = 15806 (1.17%)
07 = 12740 (0.94%)
99 = 12397 (0.91%)
08 = 11818 (0.87%)
22 = 11775 (0.87%)

Last 3 digits (Top 10)
123 = 27827 (2.05%)
234 = 7611 (0.56%)
000 = 6550 (0.48%)
007 = 6329 (0.47%)
008 = 4611 (0.34%)
001 = 4550 (0.34%)
010 = 3762 (0.28%)
111 = 3539 (0.26%)
006 = 2892 (0.21%)
009 = 2739 (0.2%)

Last 4 digits (Top 10)
1234 = 7123 (0.53%)
2008 = 4219 (0.31%)
2000 = 3872 (0.29%)
2010 = 3044 (0.22%)
2007 = 2922 (0.22%)
2006 = 2588 (0.19%)
2009 = 2396 (0.18%)
2005 = 2371 (0.17%)
2004 = 2065 (0.15%)
2001 = 1884 (0.14%)

Last 5 digits (Top 10)
12345 = 1785 (0.13%)
23456 = 926 (0.07%)
54321 = 171 (0.01%)
00000 = 153 (0.01%)
11111 = 143 (0.01%)
34567 = 104 (0.01%)
45678 = 89 (0.01%)
21982 = 88 (0.01%)
21980 = 85 (0.01%)
11982 = 84 (0.01%)

Character sets
loweralphanum: 612169 (45.18%)
loweralpha: 411302 (30.36%)
mixedalphanum: 122905 (9.07%)
numeric: 122094 (9.01%)
mixedalpha: 27884 (2.06%)
mixedalphaspecialnum: 15925 (1.18%)
loweralphaspecialnum: 12979 (0.96%)
upperalpha: 9809 (0.72%)
upperalphanum: 8046 (0.59%)
loweralphaspecial: 7062 (0.52%)
mixedalphaspecial: 3010 (0.22%)
specialnum: 528 (0.04%)
upperalphaspecialnum: 433 (0.03%)
upperalphaspecial: 154 (0.01%)
special: 61 (0.0%)

Character set ordering
stringdigit: 618995 (45.68%)
allstring: 448995 (33.14%)
alldigit: 122094 (9.01%)
stringdigitstring: 52436 (3.87%)
othermask: 42087 (3.11%)
digitstring: 37555 (2.77%)
stringspecialdigit: 13438 (0.99%)
digitstringdigit: 9672 (0.71%)
stringspecialstring: 5001 (0.37%)
stringspecial: 3809 (0.28%)
specialstring: 516 (0.04%)
specialstringspecial: 287 (0.02%)
allspecial: 61 (0.0%)

Hashcat masks (Top 10)
?l?l?l?l?l?l?l?l: 106882 (7.89%)
?l?l?l?l?l?l?d?d: 96270 (7.11%)
?l?l?l?l?l?l: 92814 (6.85%)
?d?d?d?d?d?d: 78615 (5.8%)
?l?l?l?l?l?l?l: 70692 (5.22%)
?l?l?l?l?l?l?l?l?l: 55781 (4.12%)
?l?l?l?l?l?d?d: 41317 (3.05%)
?l?l?l?l?l?l?l?l?l?l: 40222 (2.97%)
?l?l?l?l?l?l?l?d?d: 37483 (2.77%)
?l?l?l?l?l?l?l?d: 32948 (2.43%)


Hacking more
