Joomscan [611 joomla vulnerabilities database]
Joomscan is a tool for testing vulnerabilities on websites that use ‘Joomla’. This application allows you to view or Test the website on XSS attacks, SQL Injection, LFI, RFI, Bruteforce, etc.
http://web-center.si/Navodila-za-uporabo-win.pdf [windows]
Joomla Security Scanner v.1.0
PenTest for XSS, SQL-Inj, CSRF, Brute Force, RFI and LFI.
Scanner components Joomla.
./jscan.py http://joomla.org ./mycomponent_list.txt
With a timeout:
./jscan.py http://joomla.org ./mycomponent_list.txt 10
#!/usr/bin/env python import os import time import random import urllib2 as u2 import argparse as ap sub_url = "/components/" #------------------------------------------------------ # Args set def add_args(): p = ap.ArgumentParser() p.add_argument("-u", help = "Remote site URL") p.add_argument("-f", help = "Joomla components list file") p.add_argument("-t", help = "Timeout (sec)") p.add_argument("-T", help = "Randomization timeout (from 0 to N)") p.add_argument("-p", help = "HTTP Proxy server (PROXY:PORT)(example:") return p.parse_args(), p #------------------------------------------------------ #------------------------------------------------------ # Timeout def timeout(args): if args.T: time.sleep(random.randint(0, int(args.T))) elif args.t: time.sleep(int(args.t)) #------------------------------------------------------ #------------------------------------------------------ # Scan through HTTP server def scan_through_proxy(args, com_name, op): try: url = args.u + sub_url + com_name op.open(url) except: raise return True #------------------------------------------------------ #------------------------------------------------------ # Scan directly def scan(args, com_name): try: url = args.u + sub_url + com_name req = u2.Request(url) u2.urlopen(req) except: raise return True #------------------------------------------------------ a, p = add_args() if not a.u or not a.f: p.print_usage() p.exit() else: if a.u.find("http://") < 0 and a.u.find("HTTP://") < 0: a.u = "http://" + a.u if not os.access(a.f, os.F_OK): print "File {} does not exit or permission denied".format(a.f) exit() print "[Joomla components scanner by R0nin]\n" print "[+] Host:", a.u try: if not a.p: with open(a.f) as com_file: for line in com_file: line = line.strip("\r\n") try: scan(a, line) except u2.HTTPError as he: if he.code == 404: print "Component: " + line.ljust(40,' ') + "[Not found]" except u2.URLError as ue: print "Exception: " + ue.reason else: print "Component: " + line.ljust(40,' ') + "[OK]" timeout(a) else: if a.p.find("http://") < 0 and a.p.find("HTTP://") < 0: a.p = "http://" + a.p prx = u2.ProxyHandler({"http":a.p}) op = u2.build_opener(prx) u2.install_opener(op) print "[Scan via HTTP proxy {}]\n".format(a.p) with open(a.f) as com_file: for line in com_file: line = line.strip("\r\n") try: scan_through_proxy(a, line, op) except u2.HTTPError as he: if he.code == 404: print "Component: " + line.ljust(40,' ') + "[Not found]" except u2.URLError as ue: print "Exception: " + ue.reason else: print "Component: " + line.ljust(40,' ') + "[OK]" timeout(a) except KeyboardInterrupt: print "\nInterrupted by user (CTRL+C or Delete)" exit() except: print "Uknown exception: exit..." exit() else: print "\n[Sucess]\n" exit()
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[wpscan] WordPress Security Scanner
WPScan is a vulnerability scanner which checks the security of WordPress installations using a black box approach.
Please use SVN to download:svn checkout http://wpscan.googlecode.com/svn/trunk/ ./wpscan
WordPress P&E
Search plugins [WordPress] and vulnerability to them.
[DPScan] Drupal Security Scanner
This small tool is public and accessible to you for use however you please. It may help other auditors or penetration testers do their job faster.