My primary conference give away is a DVD with a self-contained penetration testing lab. This DVD covers the Metasploit Framework‘s capability to target a server. It also covers the client-side attack process in Cobalt Strike. It’s a pretty neat set of labs and they don’t take too long to go through.
I’ve had several requests to put these labs online. If you’re one of those interested parties, then today is your lucky day. The Cobalt Strike Pen Testing Lab DVD material is now available for download.
To start, you’ll want to grab the necessary virtual machines:
1. Morning Catch (Phishing Target)
2. Metasploitable 2
3. Xubuntu Attack VM with CS dependencies and stuff to support the labs
Next, you’ll want to download the penetration testing lab book. Last, you’ll need to grab a trial of Cobalt Strike and install it on the Xubuntu virtual machine above.
Once you have these things, you’re ready to rock. If you get stuck, here’s a video of me going through the labs: