近日,一个名为Reckz0r的黑客在其Twitter上发了这么一条推特:“在过去的3个月里,我一直潜伏在79家银行的网络里。也许人们都以为我黑的是VISA & Mastercard,但事实上,我黑的是银行里的客户数据。”

目前,Reckz0r已经获取了这些银行客户的大量数据,其中包括他们的名字、邮件地址、家庭住址和电话号码。而就在今天,好多人可以在AnonFiles.com的网站上下到这些数据。Reckz0r表示目前只有部分的信用卡信息被泄露出去, 因为数量数量实在太庞大。据荷兰媒体报道,这次被泄露出去的文件有113页,500亿字节。

作为Anonymous和“UGNazi”的前成员,Reckz0r在Pastebin网站上发表了一篇文章,在文中他表示此次的攻击完全不是为了获取信 息,他只是想在结束自己的黑客生涯之前再玩上一把。

与此同时,他还对被其黑过的受害者表示道歉;“在过去,我已经进行了50多次的大型黑客活动,泄露了大 量的重要信息,如果您是其中的一个受害者,我在这里表示道歉。而此次的黑客是我的告别之作。以后,我不再是个黑客了,而是一个良民了。”

“I penetrated over 79 large banks, I’ve been targetting these banks since 3 months,” read a tweet from the Twitter account of Reckz0r. “Actually, I didn’t hacked VISA & Mastercard, I hacked the banks, #Chase..etc.”

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twitter.com/Reckz0r – Follow me on twitter!


“I have no special talents, I’m only passionately curious.” – Me…

Hello folks.

I’m Reckz0r, oh fuck that part, I’ve been saying that for ages, Just call me Reckz0r or Reckz, or Jeremy.

Today, I am here to fulfill your ‘lulz’ attention with some excitement & entertainment!

Today’s target is VISA & Mastercard, I will be only leaking a portion of the credit card information, as I cannot leak the entire data, it’s too large, and this is the certain proof that i’ve hacked into VISA & Mastercard….

I’m also censoring the credit card information such as CC Number, Secret Code, Expiry date for security measures, I also edited the way the information will look, the original one looked bullshit.

REASON: Curiosity & Challenge




DOWNLOAD LINK: https://anonfiles.com/file/684326ddacc98598972968a603343089

Enjoy, folks.

Leaked by Reckz0r


Hacking more
